Jupiter, The Magi and This Week’s Astrology

“Molnar believes that the wise men were, in fact, very wise and mathematically-adept astrologers. They also knew about the Old Testament prophecy that a new king would be born of the family of David. Most likely, they had been watching the heavens for years, waiting for alignments that would foretell the birth of this king. When they identified a powerful set of astrological portents, they decided the time was right to set out to find the prophesied leader.” David A Weintraub 

“All wisdom is given to us on loan.” Thomas Aquinas

Over the years there has been a considerable amount of speculation in both the astrological and astronomical communities about which planetary alignment the Wise Men or Magi of old were following in order to find a newly born king and bestow gifts upon him. There is always one constant in the speculations – whether it was Jupiter /Venus or Jupiter /Saturn or others, the planet Jupiter is always involved.

Jupiter the planet of wisdom, hope, expansion, benevolence and generosity is making powerful alignments in the sky this week. This gives the opportunity to expand understanding, vision and compassion. It can be a very growth oriented time and can open doors of opporuntity for  progress and transformation in partnership and relationship. Do proceed thoughtfully and carefully though, with any endeavors like this as there is powerful energy about with the sign of Scorpio involved.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Neighbors help in a house-raising party in a small village.’

New Moon in Libra Opposite Uranus

“We die with the same chart we were born with, so the question is, what if anything, happened? Have we lived our life or has life lived us? Jung’s conviction that the psyche has an inherent urge towards wholeness and integration, urges us to jump onto the wheel of fortune, to grapple and engage fully with all the struggles and joys, and to live our lives to the full. Otherwise, as Gurdjieff said, “the future will be the same as the past- how could it be otherwise?” Clare Martin

“if you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want your children to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” Albert Einstein

In the ancient Celtic tale of the Selkie Woman, there was one day of the year when a seal would shed her skin and become human. She would could be seen sitting on the rocks by the shore singing in the sunshine. One year a fisherman saw the Selkie Woman and instantly fell in love with her. He found her sealskin where she had hidden it, and took it-  making it impossible for her return to the sea and making it inevitable that she live out her human side as long as he had it in his possession. He took her home and made her his wife. He was not unkind to her but his actions separated her from her home and children in the sea which she longed for.

In our time the loss of the seal skin is akin to the loss or fragmentation of the True Self due to over accomodation to parental, ancestral, cultural and religious influences. Much of the evolutionary journey towards recapturing wholeness- like the Selkie getting her skin back –  has to do with freeing the soul from undesired influences and living a more authentic life in terms of personal authenticity and  personal evolution.

The New Moon in Libra on Thursday is a good time to respond to old problems in a new, more innovative way as Uranus – the planet of suprises and sudden occurences – opposes the Sun and Moon. Mercury is now in Scorpio providing depth and insight in looking at your relationships with others, who you are in this realm and who you aspire to become.

Jupiter is in Scorpio too, providing a broader perspective on where  personal initiatives may have become stalled out. This can help move foward in a freer,  less encumbered way by developing a different strategy.

Venus just entered Libra – bringing a good time to look at the kind of relationships you have and what kind of relationships you would like. It is a good time to brainstorm ways to evolve relationships in a way that is more authentic. As Eric Francis wrote,” It’s a good time to look at where the relationships you are involved in now started.” Fairness and diplomacy are always key elements in moving things forward with the sign of Libra involved. You just need to watch for overly accomodating the needs of others and losing the sense of yourself in the process.

One of the  Sabian symbols for this New Moon is, “An eagle and a large white dove turning constantly into each other” and another is.” A man alone in deep gloom. Unnoticed, angels are coming to his aid.”

Sabian symbols from Lynda Hill.


Plato and the the Currently Active Cancer/Capricorn Axis

“For Plato the universe was a single, living, rhythmic organism subject to the two opposing principles of strife and love, and it was the tension between these two principles which created life itself. The number 36 was the key number of change, and the universe breathed in for 36,000 years during which there was an increase of Strife and breathed out for 36,000 years during which there was an increase of  Love, with each complete cycle being 72,000 years long. Like the Assyrians before him, Plato believed that the crisis or turning points in these cycles coincided with powerful conjunctions occuring on the Cancer/Capricorn axis”  (which has been very active for several years in our time).”It was humanity’s task to align and harmonize with these great rhythms, to help the universe balance itself.” Clare Martin

Jupiter Enters Scorpio

“Our ancestors acknowledged doubt while practicing faith. We moderns are drawn to faith while practicing doubt.” Adam Gopnick

“Faith is not merely a way of knowing, it is also a way of participating.” Robert Ellwood.

Jupiter the planet of abundance, of faith, hope and optimism just moved into the sign of Scorpio – the sign of the Mysteries, of life, death and transformation. Jupiter will travel through the sign of Scorpio for the next year bringing opportunities for expansion and growth in the area of life indicated by the house with Scorpio on the cusp in your astrology chart.

This transit provides a good time in general to expand and deepen your belief system and to explore the Mysteries. The sign of Scorpio has a profound nature to it. It is wise to explore shadow issues under this influence as well.

Sometimes when I meet someone who looks like the old fashioned images of  a benevolent Santa Claus – with his joviality – it reminds me of Jupiter. Jupiter rules good times – when hope and optimism prevail. Santa Claus comes shortly after the Winter Solstice and what Robert Frost called,”The darkest evening of the year.”

In mythology Jupiter loved pleasure and good times and  this often led to trouble with his more traditional wife, Juno.

It’s a good time to enjoy life while keeping equilibrium in mind.

In describing his system for understanding the great cycles of time, Plato believed that at times of challenge on the planet, there is an opportunity for humanity to help the universe balance itself. Hope and optimism play a significant part in this.

The Sabian symbol for the ingress  of Jupiter into Scorpio is,” A broken bottle of spilled perfume.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill



Thursday’s Full Moon in Aries

“Anger is loaded with information and energy…We cannot let our fear of anger to deflect us nor seduce us into settling for anything less than the hard work of excavating honesty.” Audre Lorde

The Harvest Moon is full on Thursday the 5th of October at 12 degrees of Aries. The pressure cooker energy continues under this influence and in a proactive way it provides good timing to form a more healthy relationship to anger.

With the Sun in Libra conjunct Vesta the focus is on how you communicate and relate to others. It is a good time to look at unprocessed anger -and the effect it has on relationships. It is wise to factor in that we are still under the influence of the Saturn/Chiron square which brings up issues of core wounding. This applies personally to each of us as individuals, it applies to relationships and it applies to the planet and the environment – being  reflected in the many painful events we see around us.

Recently the astrologer and writer, Amanda Painter suggested that when people lash out at you, it is wise to consider that it comes from the place of their own personal wounding.

The Moon is squaring Pluto at the time of the Full Moon indicating there is a higher level of self mastery that can be attained with the willingness to work with and tranform these dynamics.

It is wise now to provide healthy outlets for excess energy and anger and to defuse situations rather than letting them get out of control – which will be more likely now. It’s wise to remember that anger can cause more damage than anticipated.

Lynda Hill’s  Sabian symbol for this time is, ” A bomb which failed to explode is now safely hidden from discovery” and she defines it this way, “This Symbol shows that often in one’s life explosive elements need discharging. Pressure cooker energy needs to be released, but it often needs to be done slowly and carefully. By keeping a sense of control, one can handle situations, elements or people without things getting out of hand. Be an example to others of how calmness and quiet can take the charge out of things.”

An astrologer or Tarot card reader should be a trusted ally on your life’s path.


This Week’s Astrology

“Anyone can become angry- that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose in the right way – this is not always easy.” Aristotle

“When anger arises, think of the consequences.” Confucius

It is wise to factor in restorative down time this week as there are some testy aspects moving towards the Pluto station and the exact opposition of Jupiter and Uranus at the end of the week. This is pressure cooker energy.

Mercury is squaring Saturn which can slow things down and create obstacles. Mercury is in Virgo now and with Saturn in tow, it can be overly focused on the details. it’s best to sidestep being overly critical or judgemental.

Mercury will also make an awkward aspect to Eris and  – the asteroid of conflict and discord. Eris is correlated with injustices inflicted on the Feminine (in both men and women)  throughout  time that have resulted in lack of empowerment and repression. Eris stirs up discord to release what has been repressed. This can be the motive behind a lot of the anger this week.

It is good to make an effort to work with anger or irritation this week and to pause and get clear on exactly what is causing trouble and the best way to deal with it. The tendency to lash out is likely to be strong. It is also wise to remember we are in a phase of rapid evolution on the planet and  have the opportunity to build a new model – individually and collectively -for a better future.

Jupiter will exactly oppose Uranus this week which can be a disruptive force also.  But if the energy is worked with consciously there can be sudden and surprising breakthroughs about relationships with others and an opportunity to find new and more just and comfortable ways to relate. The tendency towards anger can be revealing in this area. Anger can be a good clarifying and motivating force if implemented in the right way and not weaponized.

There can also be a strong drive for freedom this week  – wise to consider this in the context of relationships with others as well with Jupiter in Libra.

With Pluto’s  station and direct motion there can be power and momentum for moving forward in a more authentic and actualized way if you are not resisting change.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Through imagination, a lost opportunity is regained.” Another is, “The Music of the spheres.”

Sabian symbols by Lynda Hill

The Autumn Equinox and Michaelmas

“We live in a time when the greatest form of courage is to act as if our lives made a difference.” William Sullivan

Tuesday September 22 at 9:31 AM  EDT is the Autumn Equinox which marks the time when all the inhabitants of our small planet experience an equal amount of day and night. The Equinox also marks the time of the Sun’s ingress into Libra – the sign of equilibrium and duality.

The time around the Equinox bodes well for looking back at events of the last season and charting your course for the upcoming one.

Following soon after the Equinox comes the Feast of Michelmas – an ancient Celtic festival – which celebrates one of the quarter days of the year. These festivals in general are meant to bring us more closely in touch with the magic of the seasons, the rhythms of the earth and the earth’s connection to the cosmos.

Michelmas celebrates the passage of the earth through the late summer meteor showers and the time when the northern hemisphere begins to tilt away from the sun.

In many Michelmas celebrations a play is performed about how the lowly peasant George slays a dragon. George was able to face great odds and persevere with great courage due to the help and guidance of the Archangel, Michael.

The celebration of Michaelmas is a reminder to cultivate courage for the sometimes daunting tasks we all face. And to rekindle the inner fire as we move towards the darkness of the season.

New Moon in Virgo

“How long til my soul gets it right?
Does any human being ever
reach that kind of light?

I call on the resting soul
of Galileo
King of Night Vision,
King of Insight.”    The Indigo Girls

The Moon waxes new on Wednesday Sept 20 at 27 degrees of Virgo. This is a tricky time with the Sun and Moon inconjunct -i.e. in an awkward relationship- with Uranus – the planet of suprises and sudden occurrences. Mercury will be opposing Neptune as well – indicating that there can be easily be mixed messages or a lack of clarity in thinking and communication as well as the misrepresentation of information. Venus is sextiling Saturn indicating that it bodes well to keep your feet on the ground and keep a pragmatic approach in the forefront when dealing with any business decisions.

The involvement of Neptune can indicate a very good time for Night Vision- do tap into and heed your intuition.

Imagine. Practice compassion. Meditate. And as the shamans say, dream a new world into being.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,” A woman is gaining secret knowledge from an ancient scroll she is reading.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

This Week’s Astrology

“To go into the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.” Wendell Berry 

“Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.”  Galileo

The light is waning here in New England as we head towards the Autumn Equinox on September 22 when the Sun will enter the sign of Libra.

This week the Sun moves up to a square to Saturn. This is a time when there is a reality check on projects and aspirations. It is a good time to check the underpinnings of plans to make sure they are secure and realistic. The Mercury/Mars influence now increases mental activity and provides a good time to think about eliminating unnecessary work or actions as there can be increased mental speed and clarity. This aspect can  also, though lend itself to irritability, rashness and impatience so do factor that in. Best to avoid decisions made in haste – this week especially.

Venus will be making a trine to Saturn – offering  stability, maturity and the long arc of time perspective into the relationship sphere. Venus is also moving up to a trine with  Uranus in Aries. Venus in aspect to Uranus governs surprising events in the relationship sphere – including “love at first sight” experiences. Saturn’s involvement can temper the erratic nature of Uranus and bring stability and maturity amidst the sometimes surprising and sudden occurrences.

And finally Venus is sextiling Jupiter – this can bring feelings of friendliness, optimism, compassion and understanding into the world. Being a trine aspect means that the influence will not necessarily occur naturally but needs to be actualized by intention and action.

One of the Sabian symbols for the Sun/Saturn square is,”A bluebird standing at the door of the house.”

Sabian symbol from Marc Edmund Jones


Mercury Stations Direct at August’s Solar Eclipse Degree

“Go,”  said the bird, for the leaves were full of children,
Hidden excitedly, containing laughter.
“Go, go, go” said the bird: human kind
Cannot bear very much reality.
What might have been and what has been,
Point to one end which is always present.” TS Eliot

“What is now proved was once only imagined.” William Blake

This is a very active time in the starry heavens. Mercury and Mars are hovering around the degree of the recent Solar Eclipse in late Leo and Mercury will resume his direct motion there on Tuesday.

When Mercury stations direct it can represent a culmination of knowledge. It is wise for a few days before and a few days after to consider what has led up to this threshold time and any new understandings you have as a result. The recent Solar Eclipse in late Leo represented a fiery new start and a new door of opportunity in your life depending on which astrological house it fell in your chart. The doorways represented by eclipses are evolutionary in nature and the effect of eclipses affects the past as well as the future.

The Mercury station is followed quickly by the Full Moon in Pisces on Wednesday. This Full Moon will be conjunct Neptune – the planet of dreams and spiritual journeys as well as illusions and addictions. The veil between the worlds is very thin now throughout this time. It is a time of increased psychic ability and the voices of the ancestors may make themselves  heard.
For this reason it bodes well to approach this time with appropriate boundaries in place and moderation in mind. It is good for creativity, dreaming and meditation  and there is likely to be a strong tidal pull towards addictive patterns of behavior or addictive tendencies which evolved down through the ancestral or blood lines.

It bodes well to imagine the life and world you are striving to create and improve. It is best to tie any aspirations for your own life with your aspirations for the wellbeing planet as we are living in times of rapid evolution here on Planet Earth. And as poets over time have noted, it is a very small planet but such a beautiful one.

One of the Sabian symbols for the Mercury station is,” Many little birds chirping on the limb of a large tree.”