Friday’s Lunar Eclipse in Leo

“Here’s the test to find out whether your mission on earth is finished. If you’re alive it isn’t.”Richard Bach

“A Japanese friend explained to me, ” The plum  is for courage because it puts forth blossoms when the snow is still on the ground.” Anne Morrow Lindbergh

We are now entering eclipse season with February’s Full Moon Lunar eclipse this Friday 2/10 and 7:33 PM EST. The Sun is in the sign of Aquarius with the Moon opposing it in Leo at 22 degrees.

Lunar eclipses can bring things to conscious awareness that have been brewing under the surface for some time. Usually if there are sudden or surprising events, the pressure to bring them into form has been building.

The Aquarius/Leo axis speaks of how well personal authority and autonomy interfaces with the need to collaborate with others. It is about the balance between what is good for the individual and what is good for the well being of all.  It is a good time to consider this dynamic in your personal life as well as with  other types of relationships in the outer world. Do you feel your personal needs are met by the way you interface with others? If not it may be time to tweak the way you approach things in this realm. You may need, for example to advocate more for your needs as an individual. Or it could be time to come from a more egalitarian perspective and cooperate more intentionally with others.

As we come into the Age of Aquarius there is more of an emphasis on egalitarianism and collaborating as friends or equals rather then from a top /down power structure of authority. Willingness to collaborate and cooperate now will go a long way to achieving long and short term aspirations both individually and collectively.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission.”

Sabian symbols from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom

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