Jupiter and Expansion

“Jupiter’s craving is to constantly expand the parameters of life beyond the familiar.” Caroline W. Casey

I have a friend – also an astrologer – who once told me that during certain planetary transits “agents of the planet” appear. By this he meant people who embody the energy of the transit or people who bring us information relevant to it.

Under the current Jupiter/Sun sextile I was in touch with a client who seems very Jupiterian. She started an antique shop which has expanded considerably over the years. She looks as if she has a lot of pleasure and optimism (both qualities of Jupiter) in her life as well as a mix of gypsy blood and horse- trader expertise.

We were in touch because she wanted to promote her new online store. She said with assurance, “we are going to launch it in September and the business will keep growing and growing.” This is Jupiter’s expansive realm.

It reminded me that when approaching endeavors, pragmatics, good strategies and planning all have their place but optimism and an expansive orientation are a very valuable component in creating a rewarding outcome.