On Chiron, Neptune and Thanksgiving

Developing more awareness and compassion for the adversities of others and working to alleviate it in some small part as individuals is indicated by the spiritually orientated conjunction of Chiron and Neptune in influence now. Synchronicity can play a strong hand in events.

I have a friend who is from a large farm family and one of their traditions is that shortly before Thanksgiving they all attend a bingo fundraising event that benefits local families in need.

This year the family winnings included nine turkeys and four hams which they decided to donate to the Food Pantry. It was an odd hour (there was no room to store the turkeys and hams in anyone’s freezer after the event) and they were hoping someone would be at the food pantry when they arrived. They knocked and knocked and finally a tired, worried looking woman came to the door. She was quite surprised – caught off guard -when they told her about the nature of their visit and the contents in the back of their truck.

She said, “I was just about to leave to go to the supermarkets to beg for Thanksgiving turkeys for our families. We are nine turkeys short. We had a few families that wanted hams but I was just about to call and tell them they would have to have turkeys instead.”

After relaying the story to me my friend said, “I don’t really care that much about celebrating Thanksgiving but I am glad when I can do something productive.”