Full Moon in Cancer

“People could see Artemis standing in the doorway…she helped people across thresholds.” Buffie Johnson

Throughout time rituals have been performed at powerful initiatory thresholds and this weekend’s Full Moon in Cancer is such a time. The Sun is conjunct Pluto opposite the Moon and squaring the Lunar Nodes and Uranus. It is an important karmic doorway – harness the powerful energies by defining clearly your intentions for where you are going and what is necessary to leave behind in order to make that happen.

Old emotional programming is highlighted here – any unproductive thought patterns which lead to self pity, blaming and lack of personal empowerment should left behind. Watch the amount of energy you waste fighting old battles. Saturn and Pallas Athena are together in the sky now and will assist with serious long terms commitments as long as there is the requisite commitment to patience and perseverance over time.

There are volatile energies about and conflict can arise suddenly. If this is the case for you, raise the vibratory level – focus on gratitude, stay out of self pity and avoid interpreting the present through an unproductive lens of the past.

It bodes well to practice moderation and focus on the future.

This Full Moon is about using the tools of higher consciousness to evolve your life in the direction of your karmic purpose. Chiron’s placement in Pisces indicates the need to integrate a higher level of consciousness in solving problems. On a global level it encourages us to take a “global community” approach – to move away from the use of violence and instead to consider the other myriad options and tools available.

The Moon waxes full at 14 Cancer at 11:53 PM Sunday Jan 4 EST.
Venus and Mercury are conjunct in early Aquarius.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, amelia.shea@comcast.net Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Quote from Buffy Johnson in her book Lady of the Beasts.

Chiron Stations Direct

“In the mystical oneness of everything, even the dissonances are absorbed and heard as something else.” John Killinger

Chiron the asteroid of the Wounded Healer stations direct Sunday November 23 after a retrograde period which began in mid June. Chiron is in Pisces now indicating that the healing of old wounds can occur through a spiritual or intuitive process which restores a sense of wholeness. It is a good time to pay attention to your dreams and intuitions for guidance of this kind.

There is, for example, an old saying that if you accompany someone through a difficult process of dying that when they pass over you will be showered with blessings. The blessings may be felt or seen or the person who has passed over may appear in a reassuring dream or vision enabling the one left behind to experience resolution and a renewed sense of wholeness.
One of the Sabian symbols associated with this time is,”A sword, used in many battles, is now in a museum” – a reminder that laying down the sword can lead to forgiveness and initiate personal evolution.

“When you forgive some deeper, divine generosity takes you over… when you cannot forgive you are a prisoner of the hurt done to you.” John O’Donahue

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, amelia.shea@comcast.net and ameliashea.com. Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Killinger quote from God, The Devil and Harry Potter. Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom, John O’Donahue quote from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra.

Chiron, Uranus and Pluto

“Sometimes the most important thresholds of mystery are places of silence. To be genuinely spiritual is to have great respect for the possibilities and presence of silence…When you listen with your soul you come into rhythm and unity with the music of the universe.” John O’Donohue

I have a favorite place to visit. It is a hidden pond up in the hills. When first there I settle in by the water’s edge and watch the busyness above and below the surface – the baby turtles sunning themselves on the rocks, the tadpoles darting about among the reeds in the dark murky water, the blue heron, staring into the depths in search of his dinner. I look for the beaver’s often invisible presence by tracking the trail of bubbles which arise in the wake of their underwater journeys. Sometimes at dawn or dusk the silence is broken by a loud crack of a beaver tail hitting the surface. Playful otters roll and cavort through the water there too. They enter and leave the pond through mysterious underground waterways.

One day as I sat by the pond I was startled by a question of a passerby which broke the silence. “I see you here often” she said. “Are you looking for something you lost in the water?” I shook my head no, and smiled.

But maybe I was. Chiron, the asteroid of the Wounded Healer is in the watery sign of Pisces and the woman’s question had touched on something I had not considered – how healing it can be to sit quietly by the pond’s edge, to wonder at its mystery and hidden life below the surface. And perhaps my time spent looking into the water was in search of something I had lost – a sense of the magical interconnectedness of all life which is so often overlooked in our busy, modern world.
We are at a powerful threshold astrologically this week. With clarity and intention personal evolutionary leaps are possible. It bodes well to visit a special place in nature and to do things that are healing and restore a sense of wholeness, Chiron’s gift.

Why consult an astrologer? Challenges are often best met with a broad and fresh perspective.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, amelia.shea@comcast.net and ameliashea.com. Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. All times mentioned at EDT. Quote from Anam Cara by John O’Donohue

The Sun enter Sagittarius

“Healing is a process, a movement, a transition towards balance, connectedness, meaning and wholeness. Healing is a movement not an outcome.” Richard Katz.

The Sun enters Sagittarius November 22. The Sun’s journey through Scorpio, the predecessor of Sagittarius, has been particularly significant this year with Saturn, the North Node and Mercury all transiting through that sign as well.

For much of the month these planets were aligned in favorable aspect to Chiron – the asteroid of the Wounded Healer- in Pisces. In mythology Chiron brought the knowledge of homeopathy to the gods and goddesses. He was renowned for his healing abilities. But in the end Chiron died of a wound he could not heal.

The symbol in Astrology for the asteroid Chiron is a key. It associated with missing information or fragmentation related to the ongoing process of wounding and healing that goes on in the course of everyone’s life. With Chiron in Pisces it is a very good time to pay attention to information from dreams, intuition, spiritual guidance etc that speaks of missing information – particularly associated with areas of life that feel challenging or problematic. Very often there is a need to heal some aspect of that part of life and Chiron can help us to see how to do that.

All times mentioned are EST Richard Katz quote from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra

Chiron’s Influence this Month

“The quality of the imagination is to flow and not to freeze.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

This month much significant planetary activity involves Chiron – the asteroid of the Wounded Healer. Wherever Chiron falls in an individual’s chart there is a life long evolutionary journey of wounding and healing. There is usually fragmentation in the way we think about this area of life and a sense and track record that our dreams may easily elude us here. Manifesting goals in this area is more difficult partly because there are pieces missing from our imaginings of it. This month as various planets align with Chiron information about how to create a more complete picture of this area of life will be available. And the information will help to make the visions real. Heed dreams, musings and intuitions.

February 2013 Astrology

“The world is but canvas to our imagination.” Henry David Thoreau

February is a good month to keep your own counsel – to rely on your intuition and inner sense of knowing as it may be difficult to discern the meaning of events as they appear and are interpreted in the outer world. Neptune’s influence is strong all month – meaning illusion is about.

Deepening intuition, freeing the imagination to explore and create and growing in empathy are good directions to take all month long.It is bodes well to keep levels of inspiration high. Inspiration is about and can be more easily tapped into especially if a place is carved out for it in the midst of busy daily routines.

It is also a good idea to nurture and strengthen the immune system.

Notable Planetary Activity this month:

Early in the month:

Mars moves into Pisces forming a conjunction to Neptune and Chiron. This is a good time to consider the appropriate use of personal power and work on healing and repairing any related wounds of an emotional nature. Information about his process may come through dreams, intuitions and inspirations so do heed information that comes through these channels.

Venus moves into Aquarius trining Jupiter: This is a good time to consider our interrelationship with all of humanity and the natural world. It can bring joy, expansiveness and pleasure. Avoid excess.

Venus sextiles Uranus: This can bring love at first sight experiences as well as breakthroughs in areas of relationship, finances and happiness. Heed innovative solutions and pathways.

Mercury, Mars and Jupiter’s alignment indicates it bodes well to think before you speak or act as there is an indication that impulsive speech and action can lead to trouble. Conversation can take a more adversarial tone and more conflict can be about.

The New Moon is at 21 Aquarius on 2/10 EST. The wind is at our back with positive and clear intention setting as the Jupiter Mars square has excess energy to lend.

On the 11th Venus moves up to a square with Saturn. Squares indicate the need to overcome and at this time feelings of scarcity can easily arise. Moderation is key. Everything is in a state of evolution regardless of appearances.

Mid Month: Saturn stations retrograde in Scorpio on the 18th. This can be a frustrating time in terms of accomplishing things. It is best to avoid frustration and pushing too hard.

The Sun moves up to a conjunction with Neptune on the 21st – a good time for creative work and spiritual growth but can bring confusion to mundane matters.

Mercury stations retrograde on the 23 – get any necessary repairs done and contracts signed before that point if possible.

The Full Moon is at 7 degrees of Virgo on the 25.

Amelia Shea has advised clients in her Astrology and Tarot practice since 1990. She can be reached at 603 654 1043, amelia.shea@comcast.net, www.ameliashea.com or www.ameliashea.wordpress.com . Her readings start at $30.

* quotes from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra . All times mentioned are EST