New Moon Eclipse

“Life is a spell so exquisite that everything conspires to break it.” Emily Dickenson

Eclipses offer evolutionary opportunities and open new chapters in our lives. Friday’s New Moon Eclipse* occurs at 2 degrees of Sagittarius. At the time of the eclipse Uranus is trining the Sun and New Moon.  New people and opportunities can unexpectedly enter our lives under this very positive influence. It is best to follow up on any opportunities promptly and factor in habitual blind spots.

*All times mentioned are EST

November Astrology

“It is time we put our energy into fruitfully re-growing the Garden instead of fruitlessly scrapping over the scraps.” Swami Beyondananda

 We are living in transformative times personally and collectively. We can see the big changes around us and in the world.  For much of November Neptune’s influence is very strong. This provides very good timing to stay in touch with our highest aspirations for ourselves and the planet while keeping moderation in mind and in practice in our daily lives.

 The planet Neptune is often strong in the charts of visionaries, artists and mystics making this month a very good one for spiritual and creative work. As Neptune transits the late degrees of Aquarius the time is right for collaboration.  In collaborative projects it is best to focus on the common good rather than trying to draw lines in the sand about differences. Draw a wide circle about who can be involved and who can shoulder some of the weight. Collaborations which endeavor to bring about positive change will have the wind at their back.

  It will be helpful month long to keep strong mental and emotional boundaries because Neptune’s illusory presence tends to dissolve form. It may look like a good time to dance the light fantastic – to go to extremes or get drawn into situations which look appealing but in the end could be disillusioning and unrealistic. It is best to proceed moderately and stick to a healthy, holistic daily rhythm.

 In the beginning of the month Venus will move into fiery Sagittarius and trine Uranus through the 10th. This is the love at first sight aspect and has a very electrical quality to it. It can be a time when relationships that have been unable to move forward do so suddenly- thanks to the ardor and daring nature of the fiery element. Mercury will move into the fiery trine also making this a good time to heed innovative and out of the box thinking.  Mercury /Uranus aspects are known for instant knowing and off the grid brilliance.

 Jupiter’s influence – providing hope, optimism and energy- will be in play the 10th through the 25th.  This bodes well for projects that require physical energy. It is also a good time for fun and socializing. Watch for overindulgence with Jupiter’s love of excess!


Mercury stations retrograde on the 24th at 20 degrees of Sagittarius. It is quickly followed by the solar eclipse on the 25 which is at 2 degrees of Sagittarius.  For a couple of weeks before and after eclipses, time can feel wobbly or distorted. This is more likely this month with the strong Neptune influence and the Mercury station.

 At the time of the eclipse Venus will be entering the Pluto/Uranus square – the revolutionary aspect of our time. This may present challenges in relationships regarding the transformation and evolution of old patterns. Other aspects indicate volatility. Take extra time and care to ensure that communications are clear. Venus and Mercury will still be widely conjunct reminding us that compassion, respectful communication and respect for others views can help with progress. Venus’s close aspect to Pluto reminds us that painful events in love hold valuable keys to personal transformation and evolution if we are open. It is a good time to shed outdated beliefs about love and relationship and to grow in a more evolved direction.