Uranus Stations Direct

The time. Redeem
The unread vision in the higher dream
While jeweled unicorns draw by the gilded hearse.” TS Eliot*

Uranus stations direct Thursday 12/13, the day of the New Moon in Sagittarius. There is a profoundly karmic aspect to this time with Venus conjunct the North Node in Scorpio. It is a good time to set intentions related to the evolution of our soul’s journey. One of the Sabian symbols associated with the Uranus station is,” A White Triangle is seen – it has golden wings.”*

Look to the house of your chart to see where this New Moon is falling. This is the area of life which is being recharged and revitalized with a higher perception that can open the door to new opportunities.

Events which occur around this time will contain a message about how we need to be living going forward. Uranus is the planet of the future and is a strong influence in the sky at this time in history.

*from Ash Wednesday
Sabian Symbol quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom