Full Moon in Cancer

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Dr. Martin Luther King

The Moon waxes Full this Thursday at 6:34 AM EST. The Sun and the Moon activate the energy of the Pluto/Uranus/Eris/Jupiter configuration forming a Cardinal Cross. In general the Cardinal Cross symbolizes the need to take take action and implement change on your evolutionary path. Eris – the female Warrior Goddess – is associated with advocacy for the soul life and mission.

The configuration formed by Uranus/Eris/Jupiter and Pluto is in effect throughout the month – it is continuing to bring unexpected change and events.

Under the influences it bodes well to work on the clarifying your mission – as you see it at this point – and to strategize how to implement internal and external structures which nourish and support your journey
forward in times of great change.  Courage and commitment to courage over time is a key element in this process. Saturn is harmonious aspect to Eris – bringing fiery energy, support and stability.

The influence of Neptune in Pisces is strong now as well and throughout time when Neptune has been in this placement there was an increase in spiritual growth and awareness. It is a good time to grow in higher consciousness and to bring that awareness into your everyday interactions.
One of the Sabian symbols for Eris at that time of this Full Moon is,”A woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load.”


sabina symbol quote from Lynda Hill

More on Mercury Stationing Direct

“Let us be silent that we may hear the whispers of the gods.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is always a good idea to heed any information that emerges two or three days before or after a Mercury station – the current station having been today – 1/8 – in the wee hours EST. Mercury stations are associated with a culmination of knowledge.
It will bode well also to put this practice in place at the end of the month when Mercury in direct motion forms a conjunction to Pluto on the 29th. Mercury stationed retrograde conjunct Pluto and so in a certain sense not all the information is in about the meaning of this retrograde period- personally and collectively. More information is likely to surface at that time if you are open to it.
Pluto and Mercury together symbolize taking an approach like a detective. Pluto is associated with mining – going under the surface to find hidden things. In mythology Pluto inhabits a dark, shadowy realm. When it is aligned with Mercury it can bring hidden knowledge to the surface.
The alignment at the end of the month will occur at 17 degrees of Capricorn. One of the Sabian symbols for that degree is,”A hidden choir singing at a religious service.”

Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill

Mercury Stations Direct

“Without our dreams we would not be able to step outside ourselves and transcend our limitations.” Diane Mariechild

This Mercury retrograde period comes to an end January 8 at 4:43 AM when Mercury stations direct at 28 degrees of Sagittarius.  The powers of rejuvenation are strong at this time if you make a conscious effort to harness them.

The Sun is conjunct Pluto at the time of the station. Pluto has been a strong theme during this retrograde period (since 12/19/16) as Mercury stationed retrograde conjunct Pluto. The next few days it bodes well to reaffirm any intentions for the New Year and to think about areas of your life that could improve if you instituted a more positive and expansive way of thinking about them – and set intentions to do that as well. One of the Sabian symbols for The Mercury station is,”A splendidly built bridge, a heritage of unknown ages, still spans the beautiful and wildly primal stream.”

The Moon at the time of the station is at 22 Taurus making a favorable aspect to Pluto and the Sun. This adds to the powers of resurgence and rejuvenation. One of the Sabian symbols for the Moon’s  placement is.”A white dove flying straight and fearlessly over troubled waters.”

Venus is conjunct the South Node now – do watch for a tendency to drift back into unproductive habits. It does bodes well however for musing about long forgotten dreams and visions for your life that might be brought to life in a new form.


Mercury Retrograde and the New Year

“Small things like reasons are put in a jar
Whatever happened to wishes wished on a star?” Jefferson Airplane

Traditionally it bodes well to set new intentions for the upcoming year by or on Jan 1. This year though,  with Mercury traveling retrograde, it is wise to reset or reaffirm resolutions after it goes direct in the wee hours of Jan 8 EST.
Mars – the planet of power and action continues to be under Neptune’s gossamer spell early this week and pulling in the influence of the South Node. This combination can indicate difficulty discerning reality from illusion – leading to a fair amount of confusion. It’s better to postpone any important decisions until after Mercury’s station direct on the 8th.
On the positive side the Mars/Neptune/South Node influence bodes well for thinking about bringing an old dream or vision into your life in a new form. This also applies to spiritual aspirations and creative projects. Again better to start any initiatives after the 8th.
The 9-15 bode well for financial planning.
One of the Sabian  symbols for Mercury’s direct station on the 8th is, “A splendidly built bridge, a heritage of unknown ages, still spans the beautiful and wildly primitive stream.”

Sabian Symbol quote from Lynda Hill