Mars Moves on and The Right Use of Power

“I am the beauty running through the world; the ideal held up to make it ascend. I am the essential Feminine.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

“The problem comes when we do not recognize the power within ourselves as well as within others and when we do not recognize our connection to all beings within the circle of life.” Carol P. Christ

This weekend Mars and Chiron make their fifth and final conjunction in the sign of Pisces since 2010. It is a culmination of a process and it bodes well to consider how you direct and implement your power now and how that has  evolved over time.

Chiron is  associated – by sign and house placement in anyone’s natal chart – with a wounding and healing journey that offers the potential  for personal growth and evolution. It is correlated with life path and often involves the challenge of facing and evolving  ancestral  issues – issues inherited down through the family lines.

Mars is associated with power and the desire nature – how we move forward in our lives to attain our soul’s aspirations. In the time in which we live there is clearly wounding to the Feminine –  inherited over time – and to the Inner Masculine which is associated with the right use of power.

With Chiron’s journey when old wounds are triggered the opportunity is there to face them with a heightened awareness and an increasingly enlightened response. This could also be described as bringing the Inner Masculine and Inner Feminine into more balance on a personal level  – with the Feminine providing wise inner guidance and nurturing and the Masculine providing and courage and protection.

The abuse of power is very much visible in the world around us now as is the counterbalance of more enlightened approaches.  When Chiron has transited the sign of Pisces in the past there has been an increased  growth in spiritual awareness and spiritual values.  It is true now as well.

Mars will move from Pisces into Aries on New Year’s Eve. One of the Sabian symbols for this is,”A woman has risen out of the ocean, a seal is embracing her.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill



Mars and Chiron – Together Again

“We have the seeds of healing right in the problem we are facing. There is nothing to escape from, only to connect with, using our own wisdom and awareness. It is about finding meaning under ordinary circumstances, and under adverse ones, as well as ‘exalted’ ones. ” Eric Francis 

“It all depends on how we look at things.” Carl Jung

Mars, the planet of desire and action is now in a close conjunction with Chiron, the asteroid of the Wounded Healer. Chiron governs the process of wounding and healing along the path  of personal evolution.This duo also governs the wounded Inner Male  (in both men and women) and the use and misuse of power. It rules reckless and impulsive actions as well as hurtful and chaotic ones. Chiron rules fragmentation and this kind of behavior often originates with an inner life that is fragmented.

Pluto the god of transformation is now conjunct Saturn and making a sextile to the Mars Chiron conjunction.

All told these aspects indicate that when painful situations arise or are triggered , there is an opportunity to transform the way we think about them in order to move in a freer, wiser and more empowered direction. This will require a strong intention – intention being Mars ruled- and the willingness to look at things on a deeper level.

Mercury is conjunct Jupiter now adding the opportunity for increased  wisdom and understanding when applied to challenging situations.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,” A fertile garden under the full moon.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill