A Partnership Full Moon Sunday and Starry Skies Saturday Night

“Wisdom is born of the overlapping of lives, the resonance between stories.” Mary Catherine Bateson

“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.” Elie Wiesel

August’s second Full Moon in Aquarius is  Sunday the 22nd. On Saturday night as the Sun sets, the Moon will rise with Jupiter. If there are clear skies where you are, it is a great opportunity to see a beautiful celestial event.

There are very good aspects for all kinds of relationships at this time. The Moon conjunct Jupiter speaks of increased optimism, generosity and pleasure.

Saturn will be making a favorable aspect to Venus.  This aspect bodes well for responsibility, practicality and longevity in partnership. Under this influence increased stability can be brought to existing relationships. Relationships started under this influence tend to be long lasting and often are karmic in nature.

Mars trine Uranus can increase courage and  a sense of adventure. It is often a time when people are willing to take risks and explore territory  that would open up new horizons. With Mercury in good aspect to Uranus there can be breakthroughs in thought and communication.

The recent Uranus station and  the second Full Moon in Aquarius with a strong  Jupiter influence speaks about humanity and a the need to see ourselves as a global community. It is a good time to envision a healthy sustainable future for the planet.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Moonlit fields, once Babylon are  blooming white .”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill



Uranus Stations Retrograde Thursday

“Uranus has an affinity for Aquarius which comprises the whole community of creation. Intuition connects us the larger dance of creation and through the agency of synchronicity, keeps us all in touch with each other.” Caroline W. Casey

“We draw upon Mars for courage, dynamism, passion and kinship with life.” Caroline W. Casey

Uranus, the planet of the future and the unexpected, is a strong influence now as it stations retrograde on Thursday. The influence of Uranus comes early and it’s usually a time of unexpected events.

Mercury and Mars will be travelling together this week in Virgo. This is a great time for organizing and executing projects as Mercury in Virgo gives good discrimination and Mars adds energy and drive.

The Sun in Leo will be opposing Jupiter this week . This influence is associated with increased optimism and hope. Just watch for overdoing as Jupiter is  is also the sign that tends towards excess.

Uranus will station retrograde  on Thursday at 14 degrees of Taurus and will travel retrograde for five months , turning direct at 10 degrees of Taurus on January 18. This time period provides good time to explore innovative ideas and to grow in awareness about how to express  your uniqueness.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”An old man is attempting with a degree of success unsuspected by him, to reveal the mysteries to a motley group.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill