Occupy Wall St.

The revolutionary fervor akin to that of the sixties generation is alive and well in over 1100 US cities now as the planets of revolution and innovation – Pluto and Uranus – meet once again in the sky. Again people are in the streets advocating for social, political and economic justice. This aspect is not going away any time soon and what we are witnessing now is just the beginning. One of the innovations used by this new generation is internet technology – a key organizing tool globally. Uranus which governs technology is squaring Pluto which can mean that technological innovations can challenge and undermine traditional power structures. This was seen in NY recently when the video of police pepper spraying peaceful protestors was broadcast over the internet and made the police rethink tactics that might have worked in the past. The power of corporately owned mainstream media is now being challenged also. Gil Scott Heron’s words, “the revolution will not be televised” ring true as the mainstream media has been slow, reluctant and confused in its coverage. But the live streaming on the internet speaks a very different language.

The Full Moon in Aries

The Full Moon is Tuesday 10/11 at 18 degrees of Aries. At the time of the Full Moon Saturn conjuncts the Sun and opposes the Moon. These are aspects that incline towards worry and a sense of limitation.
Albert Einstein said that we cannot solve problems with the same level of consciousness that created them. And many visionaries believe that the astrology of 2012 indicates a pressing need for the evolution of consciousness to solve the problems that confront us at this time.
It is best under the influence of this Full Moon to shift to a higher level of perception, to listen to intuition, and to look to the magic – rather than the problems – inherent in situations around us.