Aries Full Moon / Weekend Astrology

“The bad news is, there is no key to the Universe. The good news is, it has been left unlocked.” Swami Beyondananda
One time a vet offered me some excellent advice about keeping my dog safe from being quilled by a porcupine. He said,” Keep him in two nights before and two nights after the Full Moon.” The vet was aware of the old adage, “Full Moons are two days coming and two days going.” Saturday’s Full Moon at 7 degrees of Aries is no exception. The dynamic energies at this time can lead to breakthroughs in blocked areas as well as moments of illumination and heightened awareness. Volatility is also part of the mix and it’s best to avoid or disengage from conflict as deep emotions can more easily be triggered. It’s also wise to guard against erratic and impulsive behavior.
quote from Spontaneous Evolution by Lipton and Bhaerman