New Moon in Pisces

“New Moons are anything but empty events; rather they are fertile moments and openings, marked by the potential we feel before something forms or manifests.” Genevieve Hathaway

The Pisces New Moon on Monday opens a cycle leading up to the Spring Equinox on the 20th when the Sun enters Aries. Pisces symbolizes the end of a cycle and Aries the highly energized, action oriented beginning. Spend time this weekend in ways that make you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. It is a good time to review spiritual, creative and emotional aspirations as we move towards the rebirth of Spring. The wind is at our back with setting clear intentions connected to higher aspirations Monday.

New Moon in Pisces

“The sea-caves of the soul may not be visible from dry land, but once you get into them, you realize just how amazing and spacious they are.” Amanda Painter

In a recent interview noted author and astrologer Melanie Reinhart said that she sometimes she thinks the entire world is in the process of soul retrieval.
If you feel you have not adequately addressed the needs and longings of your soul life recently this week provides an excellent window of time for that as we move towards the New Moon in Pisces on Monday March 11.

Amelia Shea has advised clients in her Astrology and Tarot practice since 1990. She can be reached at 603 654 1043,, or . Her readings start at $30.
Quote from Amanda Painter who writes for Planet Waves.All times mentioned are EDT through the 9th then EDT.