Juno, Saturn and the North Node

“Socrates had it wrong; it is not the unexamined life but finally the uncommitted life that is not worth living.” William Sloane Coffin

For much of the Fall Juno – the asteroid of commitment – will be squaring Saturn and the North Node. In mythology Juno kept her vows in a marriage where her notorious husband Jupiter, did not. Although Juno for that reason is sometimes associated with jealousy and revenge, I think the basic meaning of the asteroid has to do with the commitments we make and keep because they are important in our individual lives from an ethical standpoint. As with Juno these personal commitments may not make sense to others and can at times be at odds with traditional family, religious or societal values. A good example of this is commitments made to a higher law – such as conscientious objectors who refuse to fight in war because it violates their personally held spiritual beliefs.

Juno is in Aquarius now – indicating a time of more courage, individuality and authenticity in making commitments. When Saturn and the North Node are involved it indicates that it bodes well to seriously consider commitments now and not enter into any lightly as Saturn the taskmaster will have lessons to teach that very well may have been avoided with appropriate forethought.The North Node indicates that it is important to consider the future seriously and how any commitments make now will affect your life going forward

No matter how compelling it is best to slow down, set clear boundaries and avoid illusions and projections.
Quote from Credo by William Sloane Coffin

September ’13 Astrology

“Human beings suffer.
They torture one another.
They get hurt and get hard.

History says, Don’t hope
On this side of the grave,
But then once in a lifetime
The longed-for tidal wave
Of justice can rise up,
And hope and history rhyme.

So hope for a great sea change
On the far side of revenge.
Believe that a farther shore
Is reachable from here.
Believe in miracles
And cures and healing wells.” Seamus Heaney*

The revolutionary fervor alive in the world now as well as the ensuing push back have an outer component as well as an inner one as powerful evolutionary forces sweep through our inner and outer worlds. There is the potential for major transformation through the process of meeting significant challenges.This is true both individually and collectively.

With the forces at play in September we are emerging out of a time which has been highly emotional as is so often the case with a strong watery influence. For many people it has felt like a Persephone-like journey through the fog – unable to see the lighthouse.

Now as we move into September the energy takes on more of an earthly influence- bringing the focus to pragmatics. It is a particularly good time to take a good look at daily schedules and set in motion plans for the improving health and work routines. It is also a good month to use Virgo’s powers of discrimination to clean out closets and work areas. Free up energy for new thoughts and inspirations to come.

With the sign of Virgo there can be a high strung and nervous energy about which is best directed into work of this kind. Stay busy. With focus and direction a lot can be accomplished. Answers to big picture questions are more likely to come through attention to small projects.

The New Moon is Thursday Sept 5 at 13 Virgo. Set realistic goals about what you would like to accomplish pragmatically. Commit to the process, anticipate frustration and delays with the Mars/Saturn aspects.

Saturn and Pluto will be harmoniously aligned all month indicating the ongoing help with deep personal transformation – it indicates a time of progress with foundational issues that may be limiting forward evolution.

Mercury will enter Libra and the Pluto/Uranus square on the 9th. There can be surprising news and developments during this time. Extra quiet time all month will be beneficial.

Venus is busy this month -entering Scorpio on the 11th and bringing more depth and intensity to relationships. Venus will be conjunct Saturn from the 11- the 27th this a good time to get serious about values. It can be a challenging time for the romantic side of relationships – as often with this influence – the rose colored glasses no longer appear to be working.

The Moon waxes full on the 19th at 27 degrees of Pisces. This is likely to be a very emotional time.

Pluto stations direct on the 20th – on the heels of the Full Moon. This can add volatility to the backwash of the Full Moon. It is a very powerful time for liberating yourself from the past. Keep intentions clear.

The Sun enters Libra on the Autumnal Equinox the 22nd.

Mercury will enter Scorpio on the 29th.

*Seamus Heaney was the first Irish poet to receive the Nobel Prize since William Butler Yeats. He passed away Friday 8/30 in Dublin. The quote is from his poem,”The Cure at Troy.”