“Albert Einstein once said that the problems we face in life cannot be solved on the level at which they were created. To that end being able to shift to a higher level of perception can help us find solutions to our problems, resolve conflicts and experience oneness with all of creation.” Alberto Villoldo
The influence of Uranus is strong now as it stations direct Tuesday shortly after the Moon waxes Full. Uranus is the planet of instantaneous knowing. It can be associated with sudden awareness or breakthroughs to a higher level of consciousness.
Uranus governs lightning and it is said that when St.Paul on the road to Damascus was struck by lightning and thrown from his horse, he received a vision of Christ. It was then that he received the entire body of teachings of Christ instantaneously and stopped persecuting the Christians. What we have today of the teachings of Christianity is based largely on St. Paul’s illumination. This theme of instantaneous knowing runs throughout many of the world’s religions.
The powerful aspects in play at the Full Moon and throughout the rest of the month of December offer an opportunity for breakthroughs to higher knowledge. It is likely that volatility will be part of the process and there may be sudden events or occurrences whose meaning is difficult to discern initially but will become clearer over time. Uranus is the planet of the future and shows us how we need to be moving forward.
Friends – I have gift certificates for the holidays and other special occasions- get in touch for more info.
St Paul reference from a lecture by Alberto Villoldo, quote from The Four Insights, Wisdom, Power and Grace of the Earthkeepers.