Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Chiron

“People do walk fire. We are an open possibility.” Joseph Chilton Pearce

The powers of attraction are very strong this week as Venus and Mars – the planets of desire and action – align harmoniously in the sky. Do be very clear about your intentions and let the winds of change carry you forward.

Beneficent Jupiter’s opposition to Chiron can shed light and wisdom into areas that we do not normally see. It can bring a more expansive view to the way we customarily view our daily routines, work life and health. If possibilities have seemed limited in these areas now is the time to entertain ideas and images that arise which would lead to a more abundant future.

A Tarot Card reader or Astrologer should be a wise ally on your life’s journey.

On Halloween

“The last secular festival remaining in the Western calendar, only Halloween has cleaved to its magical, primordial roots. It is a holiday which fascinates without requiring us to believe anything. Its allure is not intellectual but visceral, dating back to a time when people explored the nonphysical realms – the Other Worlds – as a natural and normal function of human experience ” Jessica Murray

Astrology and Tarot Card Readings

A wise Tarot Card reader or Astrologer is like a fellow traveler on your journey who walks beside you carrying a lantern through a dark wood. Readings provide direction and guidance and offer practical, positive and empowering advice. Ideally a Tarot Card reader or Astrologer should be a trusted ally and adviser on your life path throughout time.