Saturn, Neptune and Mercury Retrograde

“The idea is not to be superficially adjusted, but to be profoundly connected.” Thomas Moore

We are in a time between eclipses when time can seem distorted. The astrologer and writer Eric Francis noted that there can be an inter-dimensional quality to this time frame – through September 16. With the Saturn/Neptune influence in full swing and Mercury retrograde it can feel a bit confusing.

However with the Neptune/Saturn square’s influence  information can filter down from higher, more inspired levels. It bodes well to heed messages from dreams and to provide more down time for meditation and contemplation. Consider it a liminal – a time-in-between – that bodes well for reflection and reconsideration.

It is also a good time to hold to the middle – the path of moderation. We are living in a time of transition and transformation. Jupiter will be entering Libra on the 9th. The author Lynn Bell has noted that this transit (approximately a year in length) can be like the swing of a pendulum from one direction to another. It is a time when areas of life that have felt blocked or stuck can suddenly be freed up and move in a desired direction. Best to keep moderation in mind as well as incremental planning as Jupiter can be associated with excess.

One of the Sabian symbols associated with the Saturn/Neptune square is,”A theatrical representation of a golden- haired goddess of opportunity.”


Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill.