Mercury, Venus and Monday’s Supermoon

“People are like stained glass windows.They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but often when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.” Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Venus enters the sign of Capricorn today and Mercury enters Sagittarius. Venus in this earthy, pragmatic placement can bring restraint and caution to the emotional climate and Mercury in Sagittarius can open the door to a more expansive perspective.

The energy is building towards the Monday’s Supermoon – a time when the Moon will be closer to the earth than it has been in decades. Emotional tides can be strong and building at this time. This Supermoon provides a good time for looking at what true security and stability means at this time and place. With the advent of the Age of Aquarius it is wise to keep in mind that we live on a small interconnected planet and that collaboration, cooperation, respect, restraint and coalition building with like minded groups help build a more enlightened path to the future.

One of the Sabian symbol associated with this time is,”Three stained glass windows in a Gothic church, one damaged by war.”

Quotes from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom




This Week’s Astrology

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” Anais Nin

There are several planets changing signs this week. This influence reminds me of being at a busy intersection with a lot going on.
Mars the planet of drive and aggression moves into Aquarius on the 9th, Venus enters Capricorn on the 11th and Mercury enters Sagittarius on the 12th.
Mars in Aquarius has an erratic, electrical current and bodes well for innovation, collaboration and cooperation. Venus in Capricorn bodes well for working on finances and financial planning and for connecting with people who can be of assistance in working towards your goals. It bodes well for putting plans into form. Mercury in Sagittarius ushers in a time that is good for learning, exploration and expanding your horizons.
In general the building Jupiter/Pluto/Uranus T-square indicates a time when strong, dogmatic views are present and conflict can arise easily. It can be a heady, cerebral time of strong opinions and it bodes well to stay in touch with your intuition and to keep in mind the underlying inter-connectedness of all life on our small planet.
One of the Sabian symbols for the T- square is,”The gate opens to the garden of all fulfilled desires.”

Sabian symbol reference from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of WIsdom