“Come to the edge,”He said,
They said,”We are afraid.’
“Come to the edge,” He said
They came. He pushed them
and they flew.” Guillaume Apollinaire
The Moon waxes Full Tuesday at 7:05 PM at 22 degrees of Gemini. At this time the Sun is conjunct Saturn – the planet of the status quo- and making a harmonious aspect to Uranus the planet of the future and of innovation. This combination is good for moving your life in a new direction. If you are not sure how to do this more information may emerge under the light of the Full Moon if you ask for and are open to guidance.
If you have been considering a class or course of study that would provide useful tools in moving forward, this is a good time to sign on.
This Full Moon is also about walking your talk and taking steps to align the actions and interactions of your everyday life more closely with your higher philosophy or belief system.
In general it can continue to be a nervy, surprising and restless time as there is an attempt to build a bridge between the past and future. Mercury is preparing to station retrograde. Best to anticipate the possibility of delays, confusion, reversals and and the need to review or revisit information at that time – particularly around the 19th when Mercury stations retrograde. The upcoming Mercury retrograde period (through Jan 8) is a good time to rethink, review and reconsider what represents security and stability in your life.
One of the Sabian symbols for this Full Moon is “Three fledglings in a nest high up in a tree.”
Sabian symbol and other quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom