The Winter Solstice

“Can one be passionate about the just, the ideal and the holy and yet commit to no labor in its cause? I do not think so… Be ignited or be gone.”Mary Oliver

“You are not the oil, you are not the air- merely the point of combustion, the flash-point where the light is born.”  Dag Hammarskjold

The time leading up to the Winter Solstice- throughout time and across the planet –  has had an anticipatory nature to it – awaiting the return of the light. In many religious traditions this time honors the rebirth of the inner light as we move from “the darkest evening of the year”- as Robert Frost wrote- to a time when the light is reborn.

The Winter Solstice – December 21 at 5:45 AM EST -marks the time of the Sun’s journey from Sagittarius – the sign of broad horizons and aspirations – into the concrete, pragmatic sign of Capricorn. It bodes well under this influence to commit to grounding aspirations for the upcoming year and to be willing- like the mountain goat, the symbol of Capricorn – to persevere, be undaunted by set backs  and take it step by step.

One of the Sabian symbols associated with this time is,”The human soul in its eagerness for new experiences, seeks embodiment.”

Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill