Hello Mercury Retrograde!

“Some say a squadron of horses, some infantry,
some, ships are the loveliest thing
on the black earth. But I say
it’s what you desire.” Sappho

“Listen, are you breathing just a little and calling it a life?” Mary Oliver

Mercury stations retrograde this Thursday March 22 at 16 degrees of Aries. The retrograde period will last through April 15 when it will station direct at 4 degrees of Aries.

When Mercury stations retrograde it will be conjunct Venus and Uranus and squaring Pluto and Saturn. This indicates that it bodes well during this period (through April 15) to extra take care with communications about relationship issues –  and by this I mean relationships of any kind. Venus in Aries is very much a “can do” aspect, likes action and can be highly motivated to push things forward and make progress. This retrograde period is likely to be a time when there can be a stronger than usual need to discuss or try to mediate relationship issues.  Venus in this sign wants what she wants and is not afraid to go for it.  Both Venus and Mercury in Aries can be bold and direct.
Under the retrograde influence it bodes well to avoid impulsiveness in speech and go into discussions like this well prepared. Progress can be made with a willingness to commit to change and transformation. Just make sure everyone is on the same page. Do be open to innovative solutions.
Venus is conjunct Uranus and this indicates the potential for surprise meetings. This aspect governs unconventional love affairs and love – at first – sight occurrences. It has a very highly charged energy and an unpredictable nature to it. It’s best with the Saturn and Pluto influences to  approach any situation involving potential partnership at this time by integrating what you know and have learned rather than responding impulsively. There can be good and surprising outcomes to situations with a  wise and savvy approach. Do entertain innovative ideas and approaches.

One of the Sabian symbols for the station is,”Brightly clad leprechauns dancing in the warm dying light.”


The New Moon in Pisces

“I’m going out to clean the pasture spring;
I’ll only stop to rake the leaves away
(And wait to watch the water clear, I may):
I shan’t be gone long- You can come too.”  Robert Frost

“We have this way of talking and we have another.
Despite what we wish and we fear may happen
We are alive with other life, as clear stones
Take form in the mountain.” Rumi

Saturday’s New Moon is at 25 degrees of Pisces conjunct Chiron. The New Moon is shortly followed by the Vernal Equinox on March 20 when the Sun enters Aries. A good use of the time between now and then is to do a little mental and emotional housekeeping and make room for new inspirations and ideas to surface.

Chiron -the asteroid of the Wounded Healer- has been in the sign of Pisces for seven years. It will enter the sign of Aries in April.  Pisces is the sign of sacrifice, of compassion and empathy. It also governs the transpersonal and collective realms. Under this influence there can be a  heightened awareness of the pain and suffering in the world which can be felt personally. There can be a longing for a return to transcendant – type unity.

Chiron is often highlighted in the charts of holistic healers as their work involves bringing the levels of body, mind and spirit into a more balanced or unified state.

There can be increased emotional sensitivity when Chiron is conjunct the New Moon. With Chiron’s theme of the Wounded Healer it provides a good time to review how personal wounds can not only trigger growth and healing but also increase awareness, compassion and empathy for the suffering in the world.

It also bodes well under this influence to consider what sustains  hope and inspiration in your life.

It’s time to write a new script for the journey forward as we approach the Vernal Equinox on the 20th.

One of the Sabian symbols for the New Moon is, “Light breaking into many colors as it passes through a prism.” Lynda Hill

Mars and Chiron – This Week’s Astrology

“The human self is not a finished thing, it is constantly unfolding. Experience is, then, essentially creative.” John O’Donahue

“Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” e.e. cummings

This week Mars, the feisty war god in mythology, is in Sagittarius and squaring Chiron in late Pisces.  Whenever a square aspect  occurs in astrology, it indicates there is a  need to overcome something.

Sagittarius is the sign that rules established religions and philosophical beliefs.  Chiron is the sign of the Wounded Healer and in Pisces speaks of  life as a process of wounding and healing – an evolutionary journey of healing fragmentation and moving towards increasing wholeness.

This duo indicates that this week it bodes well to look at belief systems in your life about “how things have to be” and whether the beliefs or “rules to live by” have become overly rigid or calcified to the extent that perhaps they no longer serve you.  For example when you think, “I will never do that again,” does that rule out something you would actually like to do if you could make it work out differently?  And does exploring how to do that awaken curiosity?

The down side of  the sign of Sagittarius is known for being overly dogmatic or rigid. Entwined with the mystical sign of Pisces, though, there is an opportunity to get a glimpse of opportunities that may not be visible ordinarily if you take a more flexible approach.

One of the Sabian symbols for this aspect is,”A harvest moon illuminates the sky.” Lynda Hill