Mercury Enters Taurus and This Week’s Astrology

“I like it better here where I can just sit quietly and smell the flowers..” Ferdinand the Bull

Mercury is now in Taurus – one of the earth signs. Mercury in Taurus likes  sensual pleasures and finds them calming and comforting. It’s a good week with the ramped-up planetary activity to do things that make you feel more connected to the earth- plant your garden, visit a special place in nature, cook a delicious meal, get a massage or take a stroll through an arboretum or greenhouse where the flowers are blooming.

This kind of activity can provide grounding in the midst of the somewhat fractious planetary alignments this week.

One of the Sabian  symbols for Mercury’s ingress into Taurus is, “A duck and its young brood.”

Another one is  “A clear mountain stream flows steadily downstream.”