Upcoming Eclipses

“I have made this,  I have forgotten
And remember …
Between one June and another September,
Made this unknowing, half conscious, unknown my own.

This form, this face, this life,
Living to live in a world of time beyond me, let me
Resign my life for this life, my speech for that unspoken,
The awakened, lips parted, the hope, the new ships. ”

We are now in eclipse season when time can feel distorted  Eclipses are evolutionary in nature and and  present opportunities for personal growth and evolution. The first eclipse is a Full Moon Lunar eclipse at 11 degrees of Leo on January 31. The effect of eclipses can be felt building up to and after the event.

Lunar eclipses are about the past and the unconscious.  In the old texts they would say that during a lunar eclipse the power of the unconscious mind would overtake the conscious mind. In our time it would be explained more as a time when – if you are tuned into it- there can be glimpses of unconscious thoughts or feelings which can drive behavior in old, unproductive ways. The pull of the forces can be habitual and strong but the opportunity lies in seeing things more clearly to contain these influences in order to move in a wiser way going forward.

The Tarot Card of the Sun is associated with the sign of Leo. The card depicts a  joyful, small child riding on a white horse. The horse has no saddle or bridle. This happy duo is moving away from a very tall and thick  wall.  Behind the wall grow sunflowers which symbolize happiness. The idea behind the card is that the child is moving away from things that feel constrictive or limited and moving in a direction of  freedom and happiness because she can see the unnecessary limitations (symbolized by the wall)  that held her back. The limitations can have to do with assumptions that are no longer necessary. The child is naked implying  trust and innocence. Riding away from the wall does not mean leaving boundaries behind but rather leaving overly limiting boundaries or restrictions  (thought or feeling patterns) behind or in the appropriate perspective.

Lunar eclipses can also bring forward the influences that come down from the ancestors or are inherited through the bloodlines. There are evolutionary wishes on the part of the ancestors but there are also similar pitfalls about attaining those aspirations that we can fall prey to – such as addiction in its myriad forms. Addiction often has an inherited component to it.

It’s best if these kinds of influences arise now to take a good look and them and choose which of the traits you would like to carry foward and which of the pitfalls you need to avoid or would be best left behind.

The second eclipse is a Solar eclipse at 27 degrees of Aquarius on February 15.

In early November  of 2016 there was a significant station of the centaur planet, Pholus.  The meaning of Pholus is “the lid blows off” and it speaks of something that is uncontainable or has  trouble with containment. We are in many ways entering a new age (the dawning of the Age of Aquarius)  with the many changes we see around us. The sign of Aquarius is that of the enlightened or spiritual warrior who values collaboration and innovation and brings about change that way.

The  Sabian symbol for the upcoming eclipse is,”An old sea captain rocking on the porch of his cottage.”

Sabian symbol by Lynda Hill.

This Week’s Astrology

“In a circle of friends,
In a circle of sounds,
All our voices will blend,
When we touch common ground.” Paul Winter Consort 

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing
There is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When we lie down in that grass,
The world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
doesn’t make any sense.” Rumi

The Sun in Aquarius is moving up to a conjunction with Venus this week.  This is the sign of the collaborator who seeks alliances along lines of common interest.

The Age of Capricorn which we are  now leaving, was a time of top- down or power- over leadership. Capricorn rules the institutions of big business and “the way business is done.” It is associated with the patriarchy and patriarchal rulership. There is a movement afoot with the Age of Aquarius and the re-emergence of the Feminine (in both men and women) that has the potential to bring about a more just, egalitarian and sustainable world.  Needless to say in working towards the transition to a new paradigm from an old one, there will be resistance and push back.

In building alliances this week and going forward it bodes well to focus on common interests rather than the stark differences which are so prevalent in the world these days.

It is a good week for forging collaborations, making agreements and business deals- keeping in mind the benefits to others involved.

Mercury is conjunct Pluto and making a positive aspect to Jupiter, the planet of expansion and wisdom.  Mercury/Pluto  is often found  in the charts of investigators, private detectives and people who do research. It has a laser-like in focus and intensity and is able to quickly and accurately penetrate the outer layers of information. It is also an aspect of deep thinking. So if you are in the process of making some kind of alliance or negotiation the best to enter full prepared and having thought it  through thoroughly. And then speak or act with a great deal of  clarity.  Important things can be accomplished under these terms now.

It can be a time of working towards healing fragmented relationships as long as there is clarity and the cool headed detachment of Aquarius which can be open to the opinions of others without getting  caught up in heated discussions about the differences. Best to have appropriate boundaries in place when entering this kind of situation.

It’s best to practice diplomacy and build bridges to the future now.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A Hindu healer glows with a mystic healing power.”

Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill