The Soul’s Journey and the Lunar Nodes

“In a shrinking world that needs a good shrink , we don’t need another theory of evolution. What we need is the practice of evolution.” Swami Beyondananda.

“Soul loves the journey itself. The textures and undulations of the path it has made through the landscape by hazard and design are nurturing in themselves.” David Whyte

The Sun is now squaring the Lunar Nodes and Jupiter stationed retrograde this week. All told it is a good time to think about how you want to handle challenges and obstacles as you move forward. It is a good time for the renewal of energy, vision  and courage.

Mercury is making  a harmonious  aspect to the North Node which governs , among other things,  the soul’s journey of evolution in this lifetime.  It bodes well to note any information which surfaces through intuition now which points the way forward for you.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”An open window and a net curtain blowing into the shape of a cornucopia.”

Sabian symbol form Lynda Hill



This Weeks Astrology with the Sun, Pluto and Saturn

“Pluto brings in the powerful redefinition of old rules and traditions. The current structure is dying and old versions of authority are falling away.” Nadia Gilchrist

“The  universe is  evolving towards and even greater destiny and we are the means of  the global transformation.” Pir Vilayat Inayar Khan

It’s best to approach this week with good boundaries in place as Venus will be conjunct Neptune – the planet of dreams and visions. Venus rules love and affection and Neptune rules  divine compassion. This duo is aware of the suffering of the world.  It’s a good time to look at how you contribute to making the world a better place or how you would like to. It’s a good time for spiritual growth, mystical journeys and creativity. The downside of this duo is feeling victimized. The pull of addictive behavior can be strong.

It’s a good week to use more discernment when i comes to financial matters.

The Sun is squaring the Saturn this week and then will  move up to a square with Pluto and the Lunar Nodes indicating a very karmic time. Old obstacles may present themselves in a new form.  It’s a good time to look at what you need to release in your life in order to move forward . If there are issues you have wanted to work on and have been putting off,  now would be a good time to start.

Jupiter stations retrograde this week. Wherever it is transiting in your chart indicates  an area where things have become too limited and you need to push through obstacles to create new growth.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A nature spirit dancing in the mist of a waterfall.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill