“In my beginning is my end. In succession
Houses rise and fall, crumble, are extended,
Are removed, restored or in their place
Is an open field, or a factory, or a by-pass.
Old stone to new building, old timber to new fires,
Old fires to ashes, and ashes to the earth.” TS Eliot
“Redeem the time
The unread vision in the higher dream
While jeweled unicorns draw by the gilded hearse.” TS Eliot
When Pluto is a strong force in the sky- as it has been for several years – the themes of endings, beginnings and transformation are about both personally and collectively. Pluto rules the many forms and ways that the life/death/life cycle occurs throughout our lives.
David Tresemer, professor and author of the book on anthroposophical counseling, The Counselor, As if Soul and Spirit Matter, was at one time Catholic monk. He has written that one of the ways he thinks Catholicism has gone astray philosophically is that it has evolved by overly emphasizing the importance of the crucifixion rather than the resurrection.
This is about Pluto’s territory and his dark realm. In mythology Pluto kidnapped Persephone to his Underworld. Her journey there did not contain any light – she was forced to walk through the darkness of unknowing – not knowing if or when her journey there would end.
Very often when Pluto is a strong force either in the birth chart or by transit these types of experiences – of walking through the darkness of unknowing occur- often through some kind of loss. The way to navigate this territory is to learn to cultivate your own inner light. Eventually, when the knowing or understanding comes ( symbolized by the coming of spring and rebirth in the myth) it signals a time to let go of the past and the pain of the past through a deeper knowing or understanding. This is similar to the idea of focusing on the resurrection or potential for rebith.
Pluto is conjunct the South Node now indicating that challenges in your own life – those that came down through the ancestral or blood line – may be arising in a familiar or unfamiliar form. It’s a good time to cultivate courage and keep the inner fires of inspiration burning bright.
Pluto is at 21 degrees of Capricorn and one of the Sabian symbols for this is,” A general gracefully accepting defeat.”
Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill