Mars Dances with Saturn, Pluto with Jupiter

“Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.”Rabindranath Tagore

It’s a busy week  ahead in the starry heavens.

Mars will change signs Monday moving from the sign of Capricorn into the sign of Aquarius. This brings Mars  the planet of action, drive and ambition, up to a conjunction to Saturn. This duo in effect now and through much of next week, can easily contribute to a sense of frustration – especially over the inability to move forward or make progress with projects. It’s often heard in astrological circles that Saturn in the brakes and Mars is the gas and so when these two get together things tend to slow down and there’s friction. It’s best to proceed with Saturn’s rules; keep your eyes on the long haul, be patient and take your time. Avoid overdoing, overexerting and overworking.

On April 4 Venus leaves the sign of Taurus and heads into the more curious, sociable sign of Gemini. This will provide good timing for gathering information and for more levity in conversations.

Mercury is in Pisces and widely conjunct Neptune all week . This aspect is good for the imagination, for meditation and spiritual evolution. It can be fuzzy on the details and sometimes cause confusion in conversation and thinking.  Neptune rules fog and when partnering with Mercury it can be like driving in heavy fog.

Jupiter and Pluto are together this week also – exact on the 4th.  It’s wise under this influence  to look for opportunities which may not have been visible before. It is a soul deepening aspect and indicates that through self mastery and regeneration, personal growth and expansion  be achieved. Jupiter rules faith and Pluto, regeneration.

The Theosophists considered this influence to bode well for setting off on a spiritual quest to find a belief system which is appropriate for a person’s current state of evolution.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A glass bottomed boat reveals undersea wonders.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Tuesday’s New Moon in Aries

“Fresh activity is the only means of overcoming adversity.” Goethe

The New Moon is Tuesday  at 4 degrees of  Aries at 5:28 AM EDT. Aries  is the sign of new beginnings and this time presents a good time to start something you may have been putting off for awhile –  start a new book, start a new healthier diet, take a yoga class online. There is considerable energy at this time which bodes well for taking action on something new.  It bodes well to get and keep active.

The New Moon is conjunct Lillith and Chiron. the asteroid of the Wounded Healer. This combination can contribute to short tempers and irritability. It’s best to watch that any new intentions are made from a positive point of view rather than fear.

The Sun and Moon conjunct Chiron indicates a good time to grow in a direction of increased inner wholeness. Uranus makes a favorable aspect at this time – encouraging us to seek innovative solutions.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A square brightly lighted on one side.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill