Halloween’s Blue Moon and This Week’s Astrology

“Must be
Must be
The season of the witch.” Donovan

“There are two ways to be rich: one is to have a lot of money; the other is to have few needs.”William Sloan Coffin

It’s a busy time in the starry heavens this week as both Mercury and Venus enter the sign of Libra on Tuesday. Mercury, still on his retrograde trek, is slowing down in the sky in anticipation of the end of the retrograde period on November 3. It bodes well at this time to tie up any loose ends and tend to things left undone as we prepare for the direct motion. It’s a good time for retrospection – to rethink and redo.

As retrograde Mercury enters Libra it will form a challenging alignment to the Saturn/Jupiter/Pluto configuration in Capricorn. We’re living in a time of rapid change here on planet earth and this transit provides a good time to look at any changes in relationship dynamics (all kinds of relationships) – changes that have gone on our changes you’d like to make.

Venus’s transit into the early degrees of Libra can help establish a more conciliatory atmosphere. Libras are the diplomats of the zodiac but sometimes can be overly accomodting to the wishes of others to the degree that they don’t advocate clearly enough for their own needs.

Halloween brings a  Blue Moon – the second full Moon of the month. The Moon will wax full at 8 Degrees of Taurus at 10:49 Am EDT. The Moon will be conjunct Uranus at this time making it an excellent time to shed outdated beliefs about the past as they relate to security, stability and pleasure in order to move forward in a freer, more innovative way.

It’s a good night to honor the ancestors.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,” A man alone in deep gloom. Unnoticed  angels are coming to his aid.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


It’s wise this week as we approach the end of the Mercury retrograde on Nov. 3 it’s wise to attend to any details left undone.