This Week in Astrology as Mercury Prepares to Station Retrograde

“To love is not a state; it’s a direction.” Simone Weil

“Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new.”Ursula Le Guin

The Sun is conjunct Saturn now and Venus is approaching Pluto. These two together can bring up fears and  concerns about things Venusian – love, relationships and finances. The Sun is widely conjunct Jupiter now as well indicating it’s wise to broaden perspective in order to ascertain answers if needed.

Venus and Pluto together (through the 30th) provides good timing to be in touch with the deeper meaning of love and love as a spiritual force in the world.

With both planets in Capricorn it bodes well to strategize about how to transform and improve  matters  of love and money if necessary.

Mercury is preparing to station retrograde on Saturday the 30th. Mercury will station at 26 degrees of Aquarius. It will travel retrograde through the 21 of Feb when it will station at 11 degrees of Aquarius. This transit will offer a good time to slow down, rethink, review and revision after the many fast paced changes that have occurred.

Mercury retrograde periods are good for recharging..

It’s also  is wise to back up any important info before the retrograde station.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,” A hidden choir singing during a religious service.”


Mars, Uranus and the Sun in Aquarius

“Where there is danger
The saving powers also rise.” Holderlin

“The silver wisdom of the head must be changed into the golden wisdom of the heart by the warmth of human love.” Gareth Knight

The key words for this week are restraint and wisdom.

With the ongoing Mars /Uranus conjunction – exact on Wednesday-  there is a tendency to want to break free of restrictions. There is a rebellious side to this duo which has been an influence recently. It can be a time when irritability runs high, impatience abounds and people take impulsive action often without appropriate forethought. It can be accident prone for this reason. It’s best to harness and direct this energy to get moving on projects and initiatives that are important to you.

Uranus is a strong player this week in general as the Sun enters Aquarius on Tuesday. This indicates that innovative thinking is on the table for the next month. Cooperation and collaboration are supported.

Mercury in Aquarius is moving up to a favorable alignment to the North Node of life path and destiny . Do heed any information that surfaces this week related to your path to the future.

As the Sun enters Aquarius it will enter the Saturn/Uranus square which is will be in influence throughout the year and symbolizes the struggle between the desire to move in a more innovative direction as opposed to the more traditional or restrictive ways of the past.

One of the Sabian symbols for this week is,”Directors of a large firm meet in secret conference.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill