Beneath a Relationship Sky

“the lake is cold
the snows are sudden
the wild cherry bends
and winter’s a burden

In your hand I feel
spring burn in the bud.” Mary Mackey

“Be of love a little more careful than of anything.” ee cummings

Mars, the planet of desire and action is now widely conjunct Venus, the goddess of love and abundance. These two are known in astrology as,”the cosmic lovers” and when they are together it heralds a good time for love and romance.

Mars and Venus are both in Capricorn now and will be conjunct on the day that Venus stations and turns direct – Jan 29th. At that time Mars will be at 9 degrees and Venus at 11 Capricorn. Venus turning direct is another indication of a better time for relationships (of all kinds.)

Venus and Mars will move into Aquarius and travel together through late March.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Birds singing happily in the house.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

A Busy Week in the Starry Heavens

“some say a squadron of horse, some, infantry,
some, ships are the loveliest thing
on the black earth. But I say
it’s what you desire.” Sappho

“Saturn lays the tracks for the reality train to follow.” Caroline W. Casey

If things have been proceeding at a less than desired pace in your life, we are rounding the corner to a better time.

Mars, the god of action and desire moved  into the Saturn- ruled sign of  Capricorn in the wee hours of Monday 1/24 . Mars is exalted in this sign and it is heralding  a time where, with good planning and hard work, long sought after goals can be achieved.

Pluto is conjunct Juno this week. Juno is the asteroid of  commitment making this a good time to review commitments – particularly partnership  commitments of all kinds – personal, business etc. Often the ability to maintain challenging relationships is a matter of appropriate boundaries and distance.

It can be a time when commitments (of all kinds)  undergo transformation or change.

On Tuesday Mercury will retrograde back into the sign of Capricorn on his way to the direct station on February 3. Mercury will once again conjunct Pluto indicating a good time to think about ways you might improve your daily routine, habits and work schedule. It also is a good time to look at how you might adhere to convention or tradition in a way that is no longer helpful.

Venus will station direct at the end of the week on January 29 at 11 degrees of Capricorn.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Three stained glass windows in a Gothic church, one damaged by war.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill