Sunday’s Full Moon in Aries

“Soul is where the fires of our passions burn. It is where our love is most alive. The soul longs for this deeper love. for a connection between form and formlessness, for  a continuum between earth and the divine.” Benjamin Shield

“We want our lives to catch fire and burn, not smolder.” Gregg Levoy

The Moon waxes Full Sunday October 9 at 4:55 PM EDT. This is a fiery Full Moon at 16 degrees of Aries. This sign is known for its courage and  determination. In this fiery element there is passion and the ability to burn through obstacles in our way.

Chiron, the asteroid of the Wounded Healer is conjunct the Moon at this time.  Chiron influence is about the soul’s journey and about  evolving in a direction of increased wholeness. It is also about healing fragmentation. In  shamanic terms  this is akin to soul retrieval – retrieving parts of the soul that have fragmented off due to trauma.

This influence can bring up issues which point the way to how we need to evolve. It’s a good time to look at emotional and psychological needs and how best to meet them.

The Moon conjunct Chiron can also be a more vulnerable time emotionally so it’s wise to keep appropriate boundaries in mind.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Brightly clad nature spirits dancing in the warm dying light.”