Jupiter and Chiron Dance Together

“Healing seeks to balance the inner and outer worlds, to connect and to integrate. Healing is the reuniting of the body, mind and spirit.” Diane Mariechild

Jupiter and Chiron have been traveling together for a few weeks and are now starting to separate. Jupiter can bring wisdom and illumination to the fragmentation and limitation old wounds can cause.  Chiron’s journey of wounding and healing – which lasts throughout a lifetime -can lead to an increased sense of wholeness and personal evolution.

It’s wise to provide some downtime during the next few days to integrate any perceptions like this that may be surfacing.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”An empty hammock hangs between two lovely trees.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


A Peek at This Week in Astrology

“The dream image planted in the body acts as a magnet attracting the energy, transforming it and releasing it as healing power.” Marion Woodman

“Dreams are always urging us towards greater wholeness.” Jack Maguire

This is a good week for dreams and for creative and spiritual endeavors with Mars – the planet of dynamic action forming a challenging aspect to Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions and the Sun moving up to a conjunction to Neptune .

It’s wise to heighten awareness about personal boundaries as this week’s  aspects – in addition to Saturn in Pisces – can lead to weakening or erosion of them.

It bodes well too, to make time  for rest and rejuvenation as we move towards the fiery Spring Equinox on April 21 when the Sun enters Aries.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “A harvest moon illuminates the sky.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill