Mercury Enters Taurus and Thursday’s Full Moon in Libra

“I like it better here where I can just sit quietly and smell the flowers.” Ferdinand the Bull

The fleet- footed god of thought and communication, Mercury enters the earthy sign of  Taurus on Tuesday this week. This can usher in a time when thinking and communication can become more focused and grounded.

It also is a good time to get out into nature and appreciate all that the natural world provides for us.

Mercury will travel direct  through much of April and then station retrograde on April 21 at 15 degrees of Taurus. The  retrograde period will last until May 14.

The Moon waxes Full this Thursday April 6 at 16 degrees of Libra. At this time the Moon is opposite Chiron and Jupiter, making this a good time to think about bringing more balance, diplomacy and harmony into relationships.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “After the storms of winter a boat landing stands in need of reconstruction.”