A Peek at This Week in Astrology

“Somebody  placed the shuttle in your hand:somebody who already had arranged the threads.”Dag Hammarskjold

The significant news this week in astrology is the Sun will conjunct the North Node of destiny and life path on Monday. This is a good time to focus on intentions for the future and to heed any intuitions that may arise related to this area – particularly between now and the second eclipse on May 5. The North Node in Taurus speaks of how we create stability, security and abundance as we move forward.

Vesta conjuncts the North Node on Monday as well bringing light and wisdom to the process of how we create a healthy path to the future – not only for ourselves but for the planet. The sign of Taurus rules resources in general.

Caroline Casey once wrote, “Saturn lays the tracks for the Reality train to follow.  The Sun will be sextiling  Saturn and this is a good time for being pragmatic and grounded and for  steady perseverance towards  attaining goals.

Venus and Chiron will be forming a favorable alignment this week indicating a good time to think about healing or processing old wounds on another level.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A bridge being build across a high narrow gorge.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda HIll