Mercury Retrograde Winds to an End

” The mysterious and elusive god Mercury presides over all times and places of transition, all crossroads.” Caroline W. Casey

“Love, the Supreme Musician is always playing in our souls.” Rumi

If you’re mulling over new ideas it’s best to wait until after the Mercury station on Mother’s Day this year – May 14 – to implement them. That’s when Mercury will station  direct at  5 degrees of Taurus conjunct the North Node of life path and destiny and Jupiter- the planet of hope and expansion. This combination of planets is likely not only to make things clearer but to widen perception and  may offer alternative solutions.

Venus is now in Cancer and making  favorable aspects to Mercury and the North Node in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces. This can help with communication – particularly with family members and close friends. Venus’s touch here can add a more considerate,  sensitive  element and Saturn can provide stability and longevity.

Mars is trining Neptune this week – creating a good time for the imagination and for creative projects.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A man on a magic carpet observes vast vistas below.”

Sabisn symbol from Lynda Hill