On the summer solstice

The Summer Solstice, when the Sun enters Cancer, is Wednesday June 22 at 10:58 am. Lorna Bevan who is an astrologer wrote this about it:

“The 4 Energy Acupuncture Points of the year- the Capricorn Winter Solstice, Aries Spring Equinox, Cancer Summer Solstice and Libra Autumn Equinox -are symbolic stages of an inner spiritual journey through time. These are particularly powerful points of Chairos- time out of time – lifting you briefly out of Chronos – calendar linear time.

At the start of the Cancer Sun Season, the Solstice reminds you to turn inwards and find the nourishment needed to grow and evolve. It’s a time to pause and wait for the energy planted in the Spring to reach full bloom. If the Spring represents action, Summer represents patience to trust that, with Cancerian nurturing, the seeds you planted during April and May’s eclipses will grow.” Lorna Bevan

Sunday’s New Moon in Gemini

‘The greatest insight, thought and art concerning the human condition and its divine aspirations are rooted in the phenomenon of inner vision.” Jose Arguelles

“Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.” Jonathon Swift

The New Moon this month is at 12:37 am EDT on Sunday June 18. The Sun and Moon will be conjunct at this time at 26 degrees of Gemini and forming a square aspect to Neptune – the planet of dreams and visions.

New Moons in general provide good timing for sowing the seeds for future visions.

The sign of Gemini governs communication and interactions, making this a good time to look at how we communicate- how well we listen and how open  we are to the thoughts and opinions of others. It’s a good time to think about improving communication skills.

The square to Neptune indicates a good time for dreaming, creative projects and spiritual endeavors. Saturn is transiting the sign of Pisces for the next two and a half years-  indicating a good time to bring creative and spiritual initiatives into concrete form.

There are three  supportive sextiles at the New Moon bringing stability into the mix.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A young gypsy emerging from the woods gazes at far cities.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Astrology Forecast for Week of 6/12/2023

“We are each called on  to inventory what structures of our lives we feel are in good working order and current with our values and beliefs, and which are needing to be broken down into their fundamental components and rebuilt anew.”Harry Seltzer

There were some significant planetary shifts over the weekend as Pluto retrograded back into the sign of Capricorn and Mercury joined the Sun in the sign of Gemini.

The sign of Capricorn rules form and structure and  Pluto is once again bringing his transformational touch to this area of life – in both the outer world and in our inner worlds as well. The retrograde period will last through mid October when Pluto will turn direct.  This retrograde period provides good timing to look at how you go about your life and structure  your time, energy and planning to see if you’d benefit from upgrades.As always with retrogrades, its a good time to tie up loose ends.

Mercury joins the Sun in Gemini ushering in a more curious, sociable time.

Saturn will station retrograde on Saturday at 7 degrees of Pisces quickly followed by the New Moon in Pisces on Sunday. The New Moon will be at 26 degrees of Gemini. (More on this later.)

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Directors of a large firm meet in secret conference.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill