“According to the Indian scholar Sir John Woodruffe, the root of the words man, mind and month all go back to the same Sanskrit root, man, one meaning of which is moon.” Alice O. Howell
The New Moon this month is Monday July 17 at 2:32 PM EDT. At this time the Sun and the Moon will be at 24 degrees of Cancer. The Sun and Moon will oppose Pluto and form a square alignment with the Lunar Nodes of fate and destiny.
This New Moon is a particularly powerful time to set or reaffirm intentions. With Pluto’s involvement it is wise to be aware of what needs to be released in order to move forward. Making this part of the intention will strengthen it.
The Lunar Nodes involvement indicates a significant threshold time for making decisions and moving forward.
One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A leader wrapped in an invisible cloak of power.”