“The Amish honor what we would call the process and the product. Both. What I saw among the Amish was the amazing amount of energy available to people who get pleasure from what they are doing and find meaning in the work itself. But they are practical people who want that can of beans at the end of the day and the sixty-six jars of relish. For them it’s all connected.”Sue Bender
Tuesday’s New Moon at 18 degrees of Taurus is at 11:22 EDT. We are moving into a more stable time having moved beyond the recent Moon cycles and the eclipse.
Mercury and Chiron are conjunct now. This is the third and final conjunction and can bring a conclusion to a process of thinking that was in need of culmination or resolution. It’s wise to take some time now to allow a new sense of clarity to emerge and to allow for the integration of information.
At the time of the New Moon, the Sun and Moon align harmoniously with both Uranus and Saturn. This indicates a good time to take into consideration your desire or need for change -particularly in the areas which provide abundance for you. What do you need to provide more space or peace in your life. What do you need to provide more security and happiness? With Saturn’s involvement it’s wise to make a solid and realistic plan and be willing to be patient. Best to heed any lessons learned in the past about what has worked and what has not.
With all the earth energy there is the opportunity to make important changes with solid and realistic planning.
One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,” A new continent is rising out of the ocean.”
Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill