“The strength of Capricorn lies in its ability to endure. It knows that true transformation is a long process and it is willing to walk the slow and steady road to wisdom.” Diane Rudhyr
“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.” Eleanor Roosevelt
Monday’s New Moon is at 5:27 PM EST with the Sun and the Moon at 9 degrees of Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign that knows how to build a solid structure for our lives. This Moon cycle – for the next month or so – provides very good timing for planning, organizing and putting a strong foundation under your plans and intentions for the New Year.
The Moon and Sun are conjunct Pallas Athena – the goddess of strategy and advocacy. Pallas Athene always was pictured with an owl on her shoulder – as a reminder of what she could not see.
One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”An angel comes, carrying a harp.”
Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill