A Busy Time in the Starry Heavens

“Mars is the god of desire: eros, feistiness, aggression, heat and action. We draw up on Mars for courage, dynamism, passion and kinship with life.” Caroline W. Casey

“To love is not a state; it is a direction.”Simone Weil

Mars is a strong influence early in the week as the god of desire and action moves up to a square with Jupiter. Under this influence there can be more courage, optimism  and a desire to take action. Just one caveat – it’s wise to watch for overdoing and overextending as Jupiter tends towards excess.

Chiron, the asteroid of the Wounded Healer is in Aries  now – a sign ruled by Mars. Chiron entered Aries in  2019  and will leave this fiery sign in 2027. Under this influence  it bodes well to consider how we direct our energy, anger and aggression – both personally and collectively.

At the Solar Eclipse of April 8, the Sun, Moon and Chiron will be exactly conjunct at 19 degrees 24 minutes of Aries.  If you have cardinal (Aries, Cancer Libra or Capricorn ) placements around this degree, it could be a very significant time for you in terms of healing, awakening or finding a mentor. The mentor could be a person who is alive or someone like a philosopher who has passed over who influences your thinking and direction in a significant way.

This conjunction on the Solar Eclipse is in general, an important time for everyone and  threshold time when important people can enter our lives. Check the house in your chart where 19 Aries falls – this is the area of life which will be energized for you.

This week on Wednesday, Saturn, Mercury and the Sun form a conjunction at 9 degrees of Pisces. Saturn in Pisces has many meanings but among them- rebuilding our dreams or taking steps to create a stronger, pragmatic  foundation under our initiatives or aspirations.  It is a good day for serious thinking, conversations, planning and intention- setting.

On Thursday  Mercury  and the Sun will form a harmonious alignment with Jupiter, ushering in a time  of optimism and expanded thinking.  This is a good day to do something inspiring.

Friday Venus in Aquarius will form a harmonious sextile to Chiron. This aspect can shed light on healing relationship issues and issues related to self love and self worth.

Venus in Aquarius will also sextile the North Node in Aries. Venus in Aquarius is cool headed and can take an objective perspective about  how to go forward in an evolved way in relationships  (of all kinds.)  It can open the door to new and different kinds of partnerships/relationships.

Venus will move up to a challenging alignment to Uranus  at the end of this week. Uranus is the planet of  awakening and there can be sudden insights about self love, self care and how we manage the financial side of our lives.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”People traveling a narrow path, seeking illumination.’

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill