This Week in Astrology

“The room was suddenly rich and the great
bay-window was
Spawning snow and pink roses against it
Soundlessly collateral and incompatible:
World is suddener than we fancy it.” Louis Mac Neice

“Learning to trust your intuition is an art form, and like other art forms, takes time to perfect. Your intuition is always 100% correct, but it takes time to hear it correctly.” Shakti Gawain

Mercury has just recently entered the sign of Capricorn.  Mercury in this placement is down to earth – pragmatic and
responsible. He is serious in communication and thinks before he speaks. This placement can bring some clarity into what may have been a more confusing time recently when Mercury was squaring Neptune.

Retrograde Mars has entered the late degrees of Cancer now. This placement brings the focus of the action oriented planet to the past and family. It’s wise to watch for impulsiveness in speech and action with the retrograde focus as with the Cancerian influence, subjectivity can be the orientation. It’s wise to keep objectivity in mind. This will be an influence through late February when Mars will station direct.

On Wednesday the Sun in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries. This can bring up issues related to the steps we take to attain our goals .It’s a good time to look at our orientation to this area of life and how improvements may be beneficial.

Mercury in Capricorn will be squaring the Lunar Nodes  Wednesday- best to raise awareness to any information which indicates the path forward. It can come from many sources – you could hear it, read it and it could come through an intuitive channel.

Retrograde Mars backtracks to a trine to Neptune in Pisces on Sunday making a good time for creativity, spiritual journeys and romance.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A woman has risen out of the ocean, a seal is embracing her.”

Friends – Alot of change is on the horizon for 2025 – both globally and personally. Get in touch if you would like to see how the changes will be impacting your chart. The rate for the one hour reading is $150.

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill