Courage, Motivation and Inspiration at the Full Moon

“I can see the harbor lights,
Hear the foghorns in the night
All up and down the lough, calling, calling,

From the rocky shores on Maine
I will sail back home again
Back to where my heart longs to be.” Van Morrison

“Mars is the god of desire: eros, feistiness, aggression, heat and action. We draw up on Mars for courage, dynamism, passion and kinship with life.” CarolineĀ  W. Casey

The Moon waxes Full today -January 13- at 5:27 PM EST at 24 degrees of Cancer- the sign of home and family. The Moon is conjunct Mars at this time lending energy, drive and vitality. This can strengthen courage and motivation.

Mars can also bring irritation and impatience. If this occurs it’s best to start moving – take a walk or do some yoga.

The Moon will be making favorable alignments with Uranus and Neptune as well. It’s possible now to express yourself in creative and innovativeĀ  ways thatĀ  you may have been hesitant about up to this point. It is a good influence for changing habits and beliefs that have outlived their usefulness.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A nature spirit dancing in the mist of a waterfall.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill