Venus, Jupiter and Neptune

“Miracles occur all the time. Something is wrong when they don’t happen.” Carolyn Myss

“Magicians have always been masters of the space between-times like sunrise and sunset, when the boundaries between the worlds are not firm, when gods can walk the earth and humans can touch the sky.” J.E. Cirlot

We are moving into a time when it is possible to tap into increased optimism with Venus- now in Sagittarius – moving up to a conjunction with Jupiter the planet of expansion.  It is a time which bodes well for learning more about something you love. It is a time for good cheer, increased pleasure and happiness. It bodes well for financial growth.  This aspect will be with us though late in the month.

The Jupiter/ Neptune alignment will be in effect throughout the year – making its exact aspect three times. This planetary duo,in effect now,  reminds me of the Tarot Card, the Ten of Pentacles in the Waite  deck. The card shows a castle behind a tall gate. The gate is open and inside you can see two royal  figures talking with each other and a small child.  At the gate stands a Magus – a magician – with a long grey beard wearing a cloak embroidered with occult symbols. Two of the castle dogs have come to greet him.

The symbolism of the card is about being able to see magic and mystery of life – represented by the Magus. The children and the dogs see the Magus but the adults do not. It is a reminder that the qualities of innocence, trust and openness can lead to a more inspired vision.

The influence of the Neptune/Jupiter  influence is likely to come in waves. It is wise to keep moderation in mind in order to avoid disillusionment.

One of the Sabian symbols for the Jupiter/Neptune square is,”In a quiet moment, a creative individual experiences the flow of inspiration.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill




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