Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto Align

“We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves  awake, not by mechanical aids, but  by  an infinite expectation of the dawn.” Henry David Thoreau

“Reality is always much bigger than the data we collect.” Charlotte Shelton

Today and for the next few days, influences are very good for expansive thinking, realizations and getting to the bottom of things as Mercury and Jupiter in early degrees of Gemini align harmoniously with Pluto.

There can be a lot of  energy and optimism at this time but it is wise to guard against overdoing as Jupiter is prone to excess.

This alignment can deepen relationships and can have a revelatory nature to it. Best to watch for information that is revealed at this time that can be very helpful on the journey forward.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”The charming life at the garden of Tuileries in Paris.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


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