A Busy Week Ahead

“All spiritual growth requires walking the quiet path of patience.”Rilke

“When you forgive, some deeper, divine generosity takes you over. When you cannot forgive, you are a prisoner of the hurt done to you.”John O’Donohue

The significant planetary activity this week is that Mars – the planet of the war god, will form a challenging aspect to Pluto in Aquarius. Mars has been in the sign of Aries – the action oriented sign where Mars is comfortable – and recently moved into the sign of Taurus. This sign, ruled by Venus prefers a  slower, more moderate and steady  pace and a more diplomatic ways of taking action.

Under the Mars/Pluto alignment  frustration that can arise from things not happening fast enough or in the desired way. People can be more inclined to insist on their own way.

This is a passionate alignment and can help build courage. It is a powerhouse combination of energies  and is a good time to be more active and get more exercise.

In general the best approach is patience.  This alignment will be exact on June 11 and in influence through June 16.

On Tuesday Venus will make a harmonious aspect to Chiron.  Venus is in Gemini now and favors communication of a kind and diplomatic nature. This influence favors forgiveness and a willingness to build better bridges for communication.

Saturn in Pisces will make a favorable alignment with Ceres – the great mother – this week. Saturn in Pisces is about developing emotional maturity and good boundaries.  When lined up with Ceres in harmonious way, it provides good timing to implement Saturn’s lessons into relationships with family members.

Mercury in Gemini is moving up to a square with Saturn this week.  This alignment favors serious thinking and conversations. Saturn can put a bit of a damper on Mercury’s lighter side – best to keep a good mental balance.

The Sun is moving up to a harmonious alignment with Chiron this week providing a good time to make progress with evolving in a more harmonious direction through healing fragmentation.

On Friday the Sun and Mercury align at 24 degrees of Gemini. Heed any information that surfaces under this influence as it can lead to significant realizations and breakthroughs.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Natural steps to a lawn blooming with clover.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

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