Expansion and Contraction with Jupiter and Saturn

“Inch by inch, row by row
Going to make this garden grow.
All you need is a rake and a hoe
And a piece of fertile ground.

Inch by inch, row by row
Someone bless these seeds I sow,
Someone warm them from below,
Til the rains come tumbling down.” David Mallet

“We must learn to reawaken and
keep ourselves awake, not by
mechanical aids, but by an infinite
expectation of the dawn.” Thoreau

This week the Sun in Gemini is forming a favorable alignment with Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, of self confidence and expansion.  This provides good timing to think about how you would like to expand your life-  in what directions would you like to grow.

It is a good alignment for assessing self confidence to see if there are ways that you would like to grow in this area.

The Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Pisces , exact on the 19th, is one of the significant alignments of 2024. This is an indication to  have patience and take your time with goals and aspirations, as under this influence the timing can be one step forward, two steps back. Jupiter’s exuberance is tempered by Saturn’s “rules of the road.”

On Wednesday this week retrograde Mercury joins Venus at 3 degrees of Virgo. Mercury/ Venus conjunctions provide a good time for discussing emotional issues as the head and heart connection is direct. Just a caution- with the alignment in Virgo do watch for being overly critical and for overthinking.

In general overthinking or scattered or distracted thinking is very much on the front burner these days with Mercury and Venus in Virgo, Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces. Good mental boundaries will be helpful if and when and if this occurs.

Neptune will be opposing Juno, the planet of commitment in Virgo.  Neptune can represent wishful thinking, fantasy, and an escape from reality – from what is.  The sign of Virgo represents clarity and discernment in thinking. This is a good time to look at what ideas and habits may be  stuck in this realm and blocking progress – particularly in areas of work, health and commitments of all kinds.

Juno moves into the partnership sign of Libra this week. Juno is comfortable in this placement. It’s a good time to review issues of justice, fairness and balance in relationship and move towards initiating change if necessary. New friendships and relationships can emerge under this alignment.

Pluto is moving up to a favorable alignment with Juno this week – lending support to change and transformation in commitments – both inner and outer.

My friend, Elizabeth Spring, who is an astrologer and a writer, once said that one thing she loves about doing astrology charts is that it correlates the personal with the mythological. This can bring in a new and expanded perspective and be very helpful  with problem solving and timing.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”The dawn of a new day reveals everything changed.”

An Astrologer or Tarot Card reader should be a trusted ally on your life’s path.


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