Missing Fragments, Soul Retrieval and the Full Moon

“There’s a thread you follow. It goes among
things that change. But it doesn’t change.
People wonder about what you are pursuing.
You have to explain about the thread.
But it is hard for others to see.
While you hold it you can’t get lost…” William Stafford

There’s plenty of fiery energy this week with Mars in Cancer making squares to the Sun and to the Full Moon on Thursday. It’s great for taking action.

Along with the get-up-and -go energy  comes a caution-irritability and tempers can run high and it can be an accident prone time if care isn’t used when moving around.

This Full Moon is conjunct the asteroid of the Wounded Healer, Chiron.  Chiron governs  the lifelong process of wounding and healing. Chiron also governs fragmentation.

In Peruvian shamanism, the belief is that when traumatic events occur, part of the soul fragments off. There is a soul retrieval ritual they perform which has to do with calling back the fragmented piece and restoring wholeness to the person.

There is an old  saying that the influence of  Full Moon is,”Three days coming and three days going.” It’s wise to raise awareness during this time about any intuitions that surface about restoring a sense of wholeness. One of the ways to do this, as Melanie Reinhart suggests, is to “listen to the whispers of your soul.”

The Full Moon Thursday October 17 is at 24 degrees of Aries at 7:26 AM EDT.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,” A woman possessed of more gifts than she can hold.”


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