“There are some people who
live in a dream world
And some who face reality.
And then there are those who
Turn one into another.” Erasmus
We are in an interesting time frame now. It is a good time to work on clarifying your visions for the future and preparing to take action on it in late April.
Mercury is slowing down to station retrograde on the the 15th. Mercury’s retrograde lasts through April 7. He will station retrograde at 9 Aries and backtrack to 26 Pisces.
Venus is retrograde now – she stationed retrograde at 10 Aries and will retrograde back to 24 Pisces on the 13th of April.
The more significant news is that Neptune, the planet of dreams and visions will leave the sign of Pisces and enter Aries on April 18 and return to the sign of Pisces in August for a six month stay.
There’s a common theme here -with the emphasis on these two signs -Aries. the sign of beginnings, courage and bold action – and Pisces, the dreamy, ethereal sign of the imagination.
This time frame – before the end of April – the gives us space to dream about the future, consider and reconsider, and be ready to take action on desired initiatives at the end of April.
One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A crystal gazer.”
as Neptune into Aries 4/18 back into Pisces 8/31, back into Aries 2/5/26, action based courage time to put dreams into action..Mercury 9 degrees of Aries , retro back to 26 Pisces on the 7th,Venus direct at 24 Pisces on the 13 april
call to action