A Peek at This Week in Astrology

“We see that harmony doesn’t mean a balance-at-rest, but a vibrant energy force that urges on all things.”  Matthew Fox

If you count Tuesday as the start of the week this week, we are off to a harmonious start with the Sun, Venus Jupiter and Pluto in the early degrees of air signs. Mars and Neptune are in their home signs.

This alignment reminds me of the Six of Cups in the Tarot deck. The illustration on this card in Waite’s deck is of two small children in a beautiful flower garden with one handing flowers to the other. It is a card of  sweet emotional exchange. It can signal a time when the past and the present are brought into harmony or a time of happy memories.  In a relationship reading it can indicate a someone  who is a reminder of a beloved person from the past.

In numerology the number six represents harmony. The Lovers card in the Tarot deck indicates the opportunity to make choices that evolve one’s life in a more harmonious way.

The other significant alignment this week is Mercury  moving up to Uranus –  a good time for innovative thinking and planning. There can be surprising communications or messages that help with forward movement.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “An old fashioned well with the purest and coolest of waters.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

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