Jupiter in Gemini and the New Moon in Leo

“We must always be thinking about what we are thinking.” Dalai Lama

“All we are is the result of what we have thought.” Buddha

Jupiter, the planet of expansion and sometimes, excess, is in the sign of Gemini now through early June of 2025.

Gemini, the  sign of the Twins in astrology, is a mutable, adaptable sign associated with the gathering of information and the ability to see many sides of a situation.  With Jupiter’s influence, it’s an excellent time to expand thinking and gather information, but there also can be the tendency to overload and, as a result, to have scattered thoughts.

If this occurs, a good antidote is to set a boundary limiting how far you will let your thoughts go. This is also a good strategy now in general, with Saturn’s placement in Pisces, which can be on its own a boundary-less placement.

The New Moon this month is on Sunday August 4th at 12 degrees of Leo. The Sabian symbol associated with this time is, “An old sea captain rocking on the porch of his cottage,” summoning up the image of a man towards the end of his life,  gazing out at sea,  contemplating or rethinking his experience from a wiser point of view.

This symbol is very  apt at this time with Mercury stationing retrograde the next day at 4 degrees of Virgo – ushering in a good time to sort through ideas. Life is moving at a fast pace on Planet Earth these days and this period – through August 25 – gives us a good opportunity to slow down, integrate recent events and to discern which ideas and plans to pursue and which ones need to be put to the side.

An astrologer or Tarot Card reader should be a trusted ally on your life’s path.


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