Venus and Pluto Oppose

“Certain  hurts and harms and shames can never be done being grieved… Although there will be scars and plenty of them, it is good to remember that in tensile strength and ability to absorb pressure, a scar is stronger than skin…Tears are a river that takes you somewhere.”Clarissan Pinkola Estes

“Happiness is good for the body, but it is grief which develops strength of mind.” Marcel Proust

Venus is now in Leo and moving up to an opposition to Pluto. People who have this placement in their natal charts often have very deep feelings and experience loss in a very deep way.

Pluto is the Lord of death – not just death in the literal sense but in the sense of significant loss that can seem like a death or represents a significant ending. The grieving process is just that – a process that can evolve throughout  life.

Some people say that the grief process over time is like peeling the layers of an onion and can put us in touch – eventually – with the true nature of love.

This alignment which will be in effect for four or five days may trigger feelings of loss. It is wise to remember that this is an evolutionary process and wise to stay in the present when moving through it.

Issues of self esteem, feelings of scarcity can also arise at this time in order to present an opportunity for another level of healing.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”An unexpected thunderstorm.”


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